Why should I?


Well-Known Member
Just finished my first grow... Im not sure if I wanna keep growing...

my friends luvd the buds an want more....

but im kinda put out with it...

I absolutely LOVE Mj though... an nothin beats smokin ur own herbs...




Well-Known Member
dont grow it if u dont want to.

im guessing uve told ur friends u grew it. now there asking for more. they will probably be telling other ppl with the word going round "*whatever ur name is* is growing again, its gonna be great"

i told my friends i grew what they was smoking. ive told them im not growing again, im keeping it secret, so every1 thinks ive stopped. when my harvest is ready im just gonna get rid of it asap.


Well-Known Member
I've completed 4 grows as of now and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. What I don't smoke I get rid of to a few close friends. When you realize it costs around 10 to 15 bucks an ounce to grow, I can't bring myself to pay 50 an eigth again...

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Just finished my first grow... Im not sure if I wanna keep growing...

my friends luvd the buds an want more....

but im kinda put out with it...

I absolutely LOVE Mj though... an nothin beats smokin ur own herbs...


Tell them you don't grow but...GROW some for yourself (a plant or 2) and don't tell them about it - think about it, unless you get problems all you gotta do is water really, and eventually water with nutes mixed in...you don't have to put tons of effort in really, so why not just do a couple for yourself and not tell your mates? (i'm assuming you've got lights for them...so why not if you already got the lights?)


Well-Known Member
It's a potentially Dangerous Hobby in terms of your liberty.

I can see why it would stress someone to the point of not wanting to grow anymore.

Personally I'll keep growing untill I stop smoking weed (yeah right) or it becomes A LOT cheaper.


Well-Known Member
It's a potentially Dangerous Hobby in terms of your liberty.

I can see why it would stress someone to the point of not wanting to grow anymore.

Personally I'll keep growing untill I stop smoking weed (yeah right) or it becomes A LOT cheaper.

I grew my plants all natural .. just dirt an water no nutes! I got a couple of females. an it was just some bagseed. My friends didnt know anything about the location or how it was being grown .. I just showed up with bomb herb an they were like HOLY SHIT lol. But yeah i got mad because i had some awesome seeds an i germinated em an stuck em in some soil just waitin on everything to do its magic... an three weeks went by an nothing the ones that did pop out didnt do anything.. i think its because the original plant got grown by hps lights an i was tryin to use cfls.. but i was successful with the cfls before... Im seriously considering using the last 6 of my seeds but id like to buy a lil hydrokit or something then test it with some bag seed.

All I know is i wasted my kush seeds='( <--- these were very hard to come by an im almost devastated.

I grew in my dorm an had ALOT of trouble at nighttime sleeping due to the fact that the lights were on an even though you couldnt see the light the fucking timer made the most ANNOYING clicking noise in the entire world...lol so unless i get a quieter timer or something an the seeds decide to actually grow.. I think im done..

Its really risky but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!
it made me appreciate all plant life so much more!



Asshole Patrol
I quit smoking regularly at the beginning of the year. Usually have a little celebration after each harvest, but growing is a great hobby. If it gets you a little extra cash, so be it. If you prefer to share with the world, all that much better! :-)

Do what's best for you though...


Well-Known Member
ID love to keep going i just dont wanna pop these good seeds in an waste em. I couldnt take the heartbreak... lol An yeah i dont really sell the buds just toss em to close friends an smoke em myself. I smoke for free anyways normally. so its not really about saving or making money its just the love of the grow. But i noticed my first grow was extremely novice an i wanna go pro.. lol so im gonna need some money i guess hahaha ... =D and im also clueless about nutes or hydro systems or anything

do hydros make noise?