Why no new growth??


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone ive been growing a super skunk and a Bubble gum for about oh id say a month now and they look like they are definately not as big as they should be. I recently transplanted and the bubble gum appears to be growing again but my super skunk just seems like shes looked the exact same for like 4-5 days now ith absolutely no changes....??? and im not sure if you can see in the picture or not but the top of the plant... the leaves are super skinny and bending and curling not like the big fan leaves it wasonce getting. any ideas???



Well-Known Member
im havin same problem as you im only on day 12 but i only have 2 sets of leaves, the seedling leaves and the pot leaves
what should i do?
start with nutes?


Well-Known Member
no ive heard that the soil has enough nutes to take it all the way to the flower stage. What soil you use ....i have what I hear to be the best Fox Farms ocean forest....its got plenty of goodies for your plant. Oh and my plant shouldnt have nute burn because im not giving any nutes ....???? any other ideas???


Well-Known Member
What's your PH, before you add it and runoff? Make sure its at 6-6.5
If u don't have a PH tester, go get a cheap one from a pet shop, along with some PH up and PH down This is crucial! I will check back later to see


Well-Known Member
yeah my ph is good i let my water sit out for a couple hours to evaporate the chlorine and have ph up and down its around 6.4 currently.


Well-Known Member
well if anyone has any good info for a newbie grwoer ....let me know!! please. I see pictures of peoples plants that are a month old and they look amazing and mine look lie crap and I just cant figure out what it is im doin wrong. Got 2 43 watt cfls hanging above and 3 smaller on the side wall behind them. I got fox farm ocean forest soil. they are in 3 gallon pots due to the fact im in apt and dont want 6 foot plants or anything. I water them every 2-4 days depending if the soil is dry a fingertip down and I dont use ANY nutes at the moment. I was using "spring water" in the gallon jug but ran out so now im just using tap water and letting it sit out for a while to evaporate the chlorine.I have the ph test strips which sometimes they fluctuate a lot but ive been trying for 6-6.5 ph. or as close as I can get it. Ive pulled off dead bottom leaves that were crisp and dryed out. I dont know what other information needed to hlp but just ask. Would like to settle for even a small yield from these plants if at least one turns out to be a girl. but like I said this is only my 2nd attempt so need the advice and help. thanks.


Well-Known Member
What's your PH, before you add it and runoff? Make sure its at 6-6.5
If u don't have a PH tester, go get a cheap one from a pet shop, along with some PH up and PH down This is crucial! I will check back later to see
note need to check pH or runoff as said here or get a soil pH tester. the pH of the water you add might be ok while the pH of the soil is either too high or too low, especially with pre-mixed soils.


Well-Known Member
One of my plants stopped growing for a week and now it's going like crazy. Just give it a bit of time.


Well-Known Member
Is that the runoff? If so. Try some Epsom Salt/ 1 tblsp/gal, water with that for a couple times...
That is high in Magnesium


Well-Known Member
that plant dosn`t have time.
ph imballance, cause improper watering
pot size and how much water and how often


Well-Known Member
give it time like lgogos... whatever his name was on the last page, im high. it may be growing underneath... roots, gettin ready for the big growth spurt :)


Well-Known Member
when a plant has health isuse they dont fix themselves or noone would be asking for help it would just do it on it`s own.
dont you go to the doc when your sick


Well-Known Member
ok so i should give it a couple days and see if she perks up to life???? thats what you guys are sayin??


Well-Known Member
actualy it sounds like your being told a bunch of different opions. now it`s up to you to try one at a time to see what the issue is. your call


Well-Known Member
same here give a little time except 4 the yellowing ur plants actually r in pretty gud shape mine starte growing, i use my own mixed soil