Why is it That When Ever You Mention God People Get All But Hurt?


Active Member
There I said it. God is real. Jesus is God. Evolution is flawed. The big bang was Gods fart. Now here you go a new thread to rant on.


Well-Known Member
I personally like the truth. Despite my habit of altering my perception, I generally like to feel as close to reality as possible. This is why I question things, and learned the rules of judging evidence.

One reason I get frustrated with some religious people is, it seems that they are allowed to judge me and decide my ignorance based on my beliefs, yet I am not allowed to feel the same way toward them. Every one is entitled to their own beliefs, but too often the beliefs of religious people effect my day to day life. For example, I can not buy beer on Sunday because it makes their god angry. (of course if you pay extra for a special Sunday license, god will look the other way)

There are so many actual mysteries and truly unexplained phenomena in this universe that I don't want to waste time on claims that when subjected to the rules of evidence (scientific method) become easy to see there false. This includes ghosts, conspiracy theroies, and especially god.


New Member
Allah is god and mohammed is the true son of god. All infidels will burn in hell allah is the way. The quaran is trurth
Mohammed was forcibly fed hallucinogenic mushrooms and held captive while being indoctrinated by his captors with the stories and dogma of the teachings which became the Quaran.....

He was tripping so hard he thought it was angels and God then went on to prophesy these teachings

I beg you to try to disprove these words so that you may find truth

Alas most won't as the truth abhors most



Active Member
Mohammed was forcibly fed hallucinogenic mushrooms and held captive while being indoctrinated by his captors with the stories and dogma of the teachings which became the Quaran.....

He was tripping so hard he thought it was angels and God then went on to prophesy these teachings

I beg you to try to disprove these words so that you may find truth

Alas most won't as the truth abhors most

The Quran warns of the infidels spreading lies about Islam. Soon you will be cured by the way of Jihad and burn in hell for your blasphemy. ALLAH AKBAR


New Member
The Quran warns of the infidels spreading lies about Islam. Soon you will be cured by the way of Jihad and burn in hell for your blasphemy. ALLAH AKBAR
oh go blow yourself up... lalalallalllalalallalal BOOM!!

Then you can be with your virgins....15 year olds whom's clitoris'es you cut off in the name of your ALLAH...imbecile

So hurry up and go!!!!



Well-Known Member

Funnier if you've seen the original first. The last line is something that I have been talking about for a long time. Think about the controversy when Hawking hypothesized that information can be lost in a black hole. Many physicists were outraged because the implication would be that causality would be in serious trouble, something that all of physics and reality is based on. Our existence depends on the fact that our universe behaves according to certain physical laws. Imagine if those laws can be disrupted by magical beings, that god can just make shit happen? All of reality would be in question, which is exactly what is being proposed by most believers except maybe the deist.


Active Member
Man is not the product of God.
God is the product of Man.

Wonderful movie from 1980 puts this into great perspective. "The Gods Must Be Crazy"
Sure shot is that the movie where the kids find a bottle and start fighting over it? It might be mean but I laughed hysterically when they started hitting each other in the head with it.

Good movie though.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Sure shot is that the movie where the kids find a bottle and start fighting over it? It might be mean but I laughed hysterically when they started hitting each other in the head with it.

Good movie though.
That's the one!:lol: