why is it growing like that?


Well-Known Member
very awesome. i think im actually going to do the same thing when it comes time. think about it, people dont harvest a whole orange tree. just the ripe ones. right? anywho. nice bro very nice


Well-Known Member
well i kinda onlydid it becuase i wanted to see where the tree is in ripeness and see if thats wur i want it to be wen it comes times...and also to run a trial on my drying room...im actually a big fan of uprooting the whole tree but alot of people only harvest whats ripe and leave whats not to ripen its all personal oppinion


Well-Known Member
so the bud that has been hanging is drying way to fast...not even 2days and its pretty dry...gonna have to do somethin bout that maybe take out one of the dehumidifiers...but yea its not 100% dry but wat was 5.2grams wet was 2.5 grams dry... its really sticky and alot of resin...smells exactly like it does on the tree but of course it was dried to fast and not cured...i trimmed the bud and took a peice to roll up...it was really smoothe a very clean taste but didnt really taste like anything obviously becuase of no cure... on the exhale it tickled my nostrils...but i finished a lil one paper spliffand im high! im soarin high! i ahve bad cotton mouth! and my eyes are really heavy ..its mostly a cebral high but def. feel it in my body!...i was half through this tiny spliff and i still didnt feel anything yet and was gettin quite dissappointed..just as im putting the finished spliff in the ash tray it hit me hard! like wild cayote when he gets hit with road runners anville...but yea its that type of high where ur about to do somethin and while ur about to do it u 4get what you where doing and stare off into nothing sometimes with a clear mind and sometimes thinkin..10mins goes by and ur liek wtf wasnt i goi do somethin..lol all in all i like it! very pleased with this smoke! im going to let the tree go a little longer and then the chop and i will def fix my closet so i can get that slow dry! and then she will go into the jars for 2-3weeks :) ill show u a pic of the 2gram bud tomorro


Well-Known Member
well my closet has sections so i took one of the sections and closed it off and used some good old trash bag to sto plight leaks lol and i have dehumidifiers..like the closet ones and a big fan on medium speed pointing down...i think i need to put the fan on low or get a smaller one or i can take one of the dehumidifiers out but i think i will be good with what i have


Well-Known Member
cool, yeah maybe point the fan to the floor(if thats not what you meant) so you have indirect circulation. and if the dehumidifier is in your drying are i would take it out.


Well-Known Member
yea thats what i meant and i was thinkin bout how humid it is here so i threw one in there but yea ill take it out...does temp matter?


Well-Known Member
temp matters a little but you have to pair that with humidity. i would say it should be about the same as your closet, temps can drop but i wouldnt let them get high and over dry, but you dont want them to take too long to dry and develop mold/mildew. what is the humidity in your closet?


Well-Known Member
i dont have a meter which suxx! i looked into finding one down here but not 1 gardening place here has one..they have just the primitive temp guages


Well-Known Member
aww man that sucks, there is some prehistoric ways of checking humidity. do you think its high? if your temps are in range usually the humidity falls in place if you live in a fair climate.but your an islander and im sure you guys humidity is off the charts. maybe moving the fan out completely? im sure since its in your closet that some sort of airflow will remove the stale air


Well-Known Member
for the most part its good...a completely different high..mostly grown outdoor comin from places like florida and jamaicabut becuase its brought in due to not having enough space to grow cash crops...its compressed brick weed but alot better than mids! but sometimes u get those guys who hang on toit for a loooooong time and try sell u some musty smellin dark weed...lol but yea if u kno who to go to u get good bud...alot of sour d goes around! but the prices are crazzzzy! we make alot here by the hour compared to most places but everything is more exspensive including herb hence y i grow mine!


Well-Known Member
oh ok, i see.. we get pure bs here in sc compressed mexi brock. seeded to hell. thats why i grow mine. what is the legality of it?


Well-Known Member
its illegal! lol they dont let u grow it or smoke it! u even get on the stop list if u get caught...that means u cant fly to the us if ur allowed to leave at all! some of our weed b seeded too... but yea they turn a blind eye at music events and parks..everyday after work i go to the beach and sit up on the wall be4 the sand and burn a fat head lol infront of tourists and everyone...i mean i can walk down the street in the city and burn one bar hopping...but if u run into the man u dont want it on u lol


Well-Known Member
Damn Rasta, those are some nice lookin buds. Some purple might be an understatement lol. It's always harder for me to tell how purple my buds get while under the hps.


Well-Known Member
not too much to report on my ladies other than she is still swelling and more and more trichs turn amber everyday...well heres some pics....

group shot...as u can see shes really starting to yellow now ive been giving 100 on the nutes the last water...but they continue to yellow...

close up of a bud

the bud i clipped

finished product

the clone thats puttin on some weight:-o

my topped tree...she just continues to grow and put shoot out secondary growth

the 4 clones...these will sadly be gone within a few days


Well-Known Member
So I was moving some stuff around in the cab and I knocked the buddig clone over and she face planted and broke right under the crown...its not all the way through but its def. Broken...u guys think I hsould chop it and hang it up or is there some way she can pull through this?