Why I do not do LSD


Well-Known Member
So at 13 years old I ran away to a Dead show in Miami. Guy walks up to me and says he's got some LSD in this eye dropper type bottle. Offers me some. There's drugs everywhere, so I"m like... sure. He puts a drop or two on the back of my hand and he says "whatever you do, do NOT lick this shit." So of course, being a dumb ass 13 year old... he walks away and I lap it all up like a dog licking a puddle of steak drippings.

I tripped for a year. Seriously. A fucking year. The hallucinations stopped after a few days, but I heard voices for a year. They actually didn't stop until I became a Christian. I honestly think God made them stop, because the second I came to Christ in prayer (literally, the very second) the voices stopped and I never heard them again. I wasn't a believer before that, but I sure as hell am now.

So... no more LSD for me. I don't judge people who do it, and of course I took WAY too much. I'm sure it is a lot of fun when taken responsibly. But I just prefer to stick to natural substances that cannot be so easily abused. I've never heard of anyone taking so much pot in one sitting that it fucked them up for such a long time. It's just not possible to do. Marijuana is just such a safe substance. It can have long term effects from abuse (especially if smoked), but in the short term it is very safe. I look at beer and wine the same way... very hard to permanently damage yourself by drinking them.

When I say "natural" substances, I mean substances that occur in nature without intervention by man. LSD is made in a lab. Coke is too, as is heroin. Cannabis grows in the wild. Wine occurs in nature too, when grapes sit on the vine without being picked. Strong liquors, vodka, etc. don't occur in nature... they have to be distilled by man. So I stay away from them too.

So anyway, that's my deal. Sticking to it, I think, will help me stay out of trouble as far as drug addiction and the like. I'm going into the legal profession, and will probably be in the position to have a lot of any drug of my choice at some point in my life. I've got a bit of an addictive personality, so I figure I'll do myself good if I set the ground rules now.



Well-Known Member
I heard that my friends dad got dosed when he was younger pretty strong and tripped for almost 72 hours. He said he smoked pot sometimes back then and knew about LSD but had never done it and then eating with some people, they dosed his drink and he didn't come down for nearly 3 days. He then spent the next week or so in the mental hospital trying to sort things out.


Well-Known Member
I heard that my friends dad got dosed when he was younger pretty strong and tripped for almost 72 hours. He said he smoked pot sometimes back then and knew about LSD but had never done it and then eating with some people, they dosed his drink and he didn't come down for nearly 3 days. He then spent the next week or so in the mental hospital trying to sort things out.
Yeah. I talked to all kinds of shrinks and stuff too for a long time. I don't think I ever would've sorted things out if it weren't for Christ. I seriously had gone schizophrenic. Voices would tell me shit and convince me they were "real" and have me go do things. It was crazy as all fucking hell. I remember one time a voice said, "I'm going to prove to you that I'm real... your dad is going to walk into your room right... right... NOW." And my dad immediately walked through the door.

Now that is fucked up. So I actually think perhaps I was demon possessed or something. I have no fucking idea. All I know is it started the night I took a massive LSD dose, and it only ended more then a year later... at the very second I prayed to Christ they stopped, and I've never been bothered by them again.

I literally wept for thankfulness and prayed thanking God all night the night they went away. I felt normal again, for the first time. And I've been fine ever since.

I was fucked up from about 13 years old to 14 and a half or so. Now I'm 29.


Active Member
Read a newspaper. There are children being killed in horrific Iways, living in horrific conditions, and the creator of the universe is reaching out to stop your 'year long' acid trip? What kind of worthless god is that?

And how does a year long acid trip work? I'm talking at the molecular, chemical level in your brain. Is that physically something that could actually happen?


Well-Known Member
Well if you had listened to him then it would have made it's way into your bloodstream through your pores. Two drops is enough for a teenage kid. Also lysergic acid naturally forms from a few sources without much manipulation except cracking the seed - Hawaiian baby woodrose and morning glory.

I had a very enlightening and extremely powerful trip from a stranger on the street in a red light district. I would never regret it or take it back. For all the neon, 3-D, saxophones blaring, and dimension travelling I have to say the tracers still exist but the experience was a chance of a lifetime. It really depends on your state of mind and your logic to be able to handle what is in your body.


Well-Known Member
Read a newspaper. There are children being killed in horrific Iways, living in horrific conditions, and the creator of the universe is reaching out to stop your 'year long' acid trip? What kind of worthless god is that?

And how does a year long acid trip work? I'm talking at the molecular, chemical level in your brain. Is that physically something that could actually happen?
LOL yeah I think there is much more going on here than just that. Depending on the state of mind during a trip it can make you or break you. If you have problems dealing with reality in general it is not a good idea to take hallucinogens. You will not be able to differentiate awareness from repressed emotions.

As for his reference to prayer, I think it can be compared to meditation which helps people relax and collect their thoughts. Well we all contribute to the welfare of humanity, being human that is - well most of us are human!


Active Member
As for his reference to prayer, I think it can be compared to meditation which helps people relax and collect their thoughts.
I can see that. It's just the literal belief. I mean, imagine that there really is a 'being' up in the sky, and he can affect the world, and he is actually answering minor prayers, such as football teams winning or some 70 year old guy recovers from a stroke, all the while the world is filled with terrible suffering. That is a perverted universe and can't possibly be what is actually happening. But as a metaphor or something, sure.


Well-Known Member
OK, I've got three major problems with this story.

First off you can't trip for a year. You could have caused a psychotic break but you weren't tripping.

Non-believers don't pray. Not even just in case. We don't believe, that's kinda the point. If you find yourself praying "just in case" then you aren't a non-believer. You're a believer that hasn't fully thrown off the shackles of religion.

Which leads to my final point. I don't want to harsh your buzz or anything but there's no imaginary creature living in the sky who loves you but will burn you in a lake of fire for all of eternity if you piss him off. It's just an old superstition that keeps getting passed forward because it's profitable and it's difficult for people to admit everything they believe in is a lie.

You see this often in victims of fraud. They WANT to believe so badly and they've already given the con man their life savings so it HAS to be true. Even when the cops tell them they have been scammed they refuse to believe it. Same thing with religion.


Active Member

That is an interesting story. I have not been able to do acid for the simple reason that it is incredibly hard to find where I live. Man that must have been very scary for that year.

On another note
To Kludge. I have three faults with your three problems.
First off, how do you know that it isn't possible to trip for a whole year? As of yet we do not understand the human brain fully so all possibilities are still that, possible.
On a psychotic episode the psychotic can hallucinate, amoung other things. is this not a trip as we know it? If so he could have been psychotic and have "tripped" for a year. I believe that what we look for in intoxication is a temporary psychosis, a temporary change in brain chemistry.

Also non-believers can pray as praying does not have to be towards a god-like figure. You can pray to someone as somewhat of an entreaty i.e. "pray tell" means please tell. It all depends on context.

This brings me to the third and final flaw. It is impossible to prove whether god does or does not exist. Some may have evidence for either side but, there is no PROOF (meaning truth).

You may have not noticed it but the way in which you responded was harsh. Which, was the reason I decided to adress you.

very interesting story jsn,


Well-Known Member
lol i wish i could trip for a year... when im tripping on acid i NEVER want that shit to end!! unfortunately it always does and I have to go back to real life.

good thing jesus brought u back to real life. if i were in your shoes though id be pretty upset my year long trip went away


Well-Known Member
To Kludge. I have three faults with your three problems.
Actually they are not faults, you just don't understand yet.

First off, how do you know that it isn't possible to trip for a whole year?
Personal experience and research. Your body builds up a tolerance to LSD pretty quickly and leaves your body very quickly too, about 3 days I think it is.

On a psychotic episode the psychotic can hallucinate, amoung other things. is this not a trip as we know it?
No. He said he took too much acid and tripped for a year. This strongly implies that the one acid dose continued to caused him to trip for over a year. As I have stated the drug itself leaves your body pretty quickly.

And as I correctly stated you CAN have a psychotic break from using LSD but the LSD itself, the chemical, is not causing the problems. Your brain is broken now. It's like saying a nail caused a tire to be flat for a year. No, the nail caused the tire to go flat in the very beginning. The HOLE, aka your broken brain, is what is causing the tire to be flat, aka you hear voices.

The phenomenon known as a "flashback" doesn't occur because there is some lone LSD hanging around in your fat cells for years. It happens because your brain learns how to "trip" on its own either from repeated use or from a massive dose. For instance I can make myself see very lightly bubbling walls, like when you first start tripping but not really strong, when I'm high just because my brain has learned how to do it.

Also non-believers can pray as praying does not have to be towards a god-like figure. You can pray to someone as somewhat of an entreaty i.e. "pray tell" means please tell. It all depends on context.
I was very clear on my context so you saying there are other contexts is just being disingenuous. It's like saying to an air traffic controller, "You know when you told that plane to land? Well another meaning for land is soil, soil in another context means to relieve your bowels, so you just told that plane to go shit itself!"

You don't have to make up stuff to have a discussion, just keep it to the facts.

This brings me to the third and final flaw. It is impossible to prove whether god does or does not exist. Some may have evidence for either side but, there is no PROOF (meaning truth).
Sure you can. I can prove it in about 10 seconds.

God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs

You may have not noticed it but the way in which you responded was harsh. Which, was the reason I decided to adress you.
If you find calling bullshit on a bulletin board harsh then you're probably new the Internet so I would like to take this time to welcome you. The Internet is a series of tubes you know... ;)



Well-Known Member
Are you sure you didn't have a hidden case of schizophrenia and that the LSD triggered it? I've heard that can happen. I'm also on the all natural drug boat (even though some natural things like datura will FUCK YOU UP). If you had such a bad experience with LSD I take it you would stay away from shrooms also (even though they are natural).


Well-Known Member
Non-believers don't pray. Not even just in case. We don't believe, that's kinda the point. If you find yourself praying "just in case" then you aren't a non-believer. You're a believer that hasn't fully thrown off the shackles of religion.
So you speak for every single non believer in the world and throughout history huh? Good to know, lol when people "try" to sound intelligent on the internet its hilarious.


Well-Known Member
i agree with livevibe. of course he wasn't tripping for a year, but the after effects of such a strong drug on such a young purpose and mentally scar fo real. haha it is all personal though, and i think those who don't agree with his spiritual can go f off, yoga, meditation, praying, all that shit is GOOD FOR YOU, whether or not there is a god. so seriously get a grip on your fucked up life and don't try to argue anyone into believing what you think.

my 2 cents.

on a lighter not, JSN thank you for sharing that story! wow, that's amazing and i'm glad you finally broke emotional scarring, or whatever that is!!


Well-Known Member
Read a newspaper. There are children being killed in horrific Iways, living in horrific conditions, and the creator of the universe is reaching out to stop your 'year long' acid trip? What kind of worthless god is that?

And how does a year long acid trip work? I'm talking at the molecular, chemical level in your brain. Is that physically something that could actually happen?
hahahaha jesus christ dude take it easy on him!! hahaha


Well-Known Member
Which leads to my final point. I don't want to harsh your buzz or anything but there's no imaginary creature living in the sky who loves you but will burn you in a lake of fire for all of eternity if you piss him off. It's just an old superstition that keeps getting passed forward because it's profitable and it's difficult for people to admit everything they believe in is a lie.

You see this often in victims of fraud. They WANT to believe so badly and they've already given the con man their life savings so it HAS to be true. Even when the cops tell them they have been scammed they refuse to believe it. Same thing with religion.
I'm reminded of a quote from shakespeare:

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Just because you cannot see something or scientifically prove its existance, does not mean it is not real or that you cannot believe in it.


Active Member
...and i think those who don't agree with his spiritual can go f off, yoga, meditation, praying, all that shit is GOOD FOR YOU, whether or not there is a god.
If somebody disagrees the open minded thing would be to rationally argue the point. Telling anybody who doesn't agree with you to f off is close minded. Can you imagine any other topic where this would be appropriate?

And the fact that some belief is 'good for you' does not make the truth or falsehood of that belief irrelevant somehow. Truth matters. The beliefs people hold matter. The further a person's beliefs are from the actual state of reality, the more deluded that person is, by definition. That matters.

If I find it comforting to believe that there are invisible fairies all around me, and it makes my life better, I am still delusional. This is dangerous. Maybe a 'fairy' belief seems harmless, but if a person is willing to suspend their critical reasoning just because some belief makes them warm and fuzzy inside, they're left wide open for all kinds of nonsense.

The truth is, people don't believe in fairies, they believe things like 'The creator of the universe hates gays.' 'The creator of the universe hates infidels,' and so on. These aren't harmless beliefs. They manifest themselves in reality, they destroy lives.

And if you can't see or prove something, yet you still think it's fine to believe in it, what criteria do you have for your beliefs? How susceptible are you to endless BS being fed to you by the media, government, priests and mullahs?

'Feeling good' is overrated, it's not the most important thing in the world. It certainly isn't enough to determine whether you believe in something or not.