Why Grow?


Well-Known Member
During the 1930's it was widely alleged by supporters of cannabis Prohibition that cannabis would make white women susceptible to the charms of black jazz musicians.

Google quotes of Harry Anslinger if you don't believe me.

How does merely pointing that out, a historical fact, make Stomata's comment racist?

Are you clear on the definition of racist?
he is not even clear on the spelling of the word.

he might do well to look at the origin of the word 'marihuana' while he is at, especially with respect to those dang mexicans who would smoke it and labor tirelessly for hours on end (at a time when jobs were hard to come by).

the level of wit and intellect on the internet never ceases to amaze me.


Active Member
Anyhow the intent of this post was to show the benefits of growing your own over buying it off the street. Somehow it went racist, then into a historical debate. I think it's funny how many assumptions were made. Whether you grow for medication or recreation wasn't the point. Humanity always fails me. I just hope someone saw the actual point that growing your own is better.