Why dry San Pedro


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have a freind who decided to cut up and dry his san pedro. This is of course to increse potency, like any other dried alkaloid containing plant. But I was wandering how much this actually increases it.


Well-Known Member
With no experience to back up my belief, I don't see how drying could increase potency.
If the plant is dead how can it produce more alkaloids?
but I'm no botanist.

Seems to me the only benefit to drying would be in preserving it so it will last longer.
Maybe it is easier to consume dry?


Well-Known Member
The only way drying would increase potency is if the plants alkaloid contents are produced by oxidation of other parts of the plant. But seeing as how know one knows how they are produced in nature, as far as I know. Drying may actually reduce the potency, compared to fresh, but again correct me if im wrong.



Well-Known Member
Dont think drying would increase anything....

But what i do is dry the "buttons" the white center dry those than munch.

Ive tried a grinded powder form and it was like drinking morphine:spew:


Well-Known Member
People dry it for preservation...Last longer...Also more alkaloids per gram...( obviously less water ) So you can take less amount and get same effect.


Well-Known Member
I'd say nay on getting extra alkaloids from drying it, brining a cutting in to a shady place before processing might increase alkaloids, but that is still a living plant, albeit without roots, cacti get most of their carbon from the air anyway.


Well-Known Member
:o:spew:You all fail.
there is no data to support the theory that drying increases alkaloid content.
I searched erowid, lycaem, google, and every drug related forum. I referenced my peyote books.

If I am wrong please provide information or a link.

Listen to ANC and Growwwww.
Their posts in this thread make sense.


Well-Known Member
Lol ok I guess not increase, but it opens them up more, meaning its easier to extract, eventually ending up with a higher content than you would have normally been introduced to. Sacred plants, sacred tricks. I just go by what the masters tell me.
drying does not increase the amount of the alkaloid it just concentrates it by reducing the water content just like a cook makes a balsamic reduction by heating balsamic vinegar... mmmm fried calamari is great with a balsamic reduction. same amount of acetic acid (what makes vinegar sour) in the reduction as was in the original vinegar but the mass and volume have been reduced, same situation with the alkaloid same amount but lower mass and volume.