Why don't you like Ron Paul?


Well-Known Member
The necessity to fit into them is what i protest to. After all, aren't the majority non-gay, self-absorbed, judgemental, etc? Thereby making gays, unselfish, non-judgemental people non-conformist and/or abberant?
institutions are inherently conservative, true. even progressive ones, to some extent. i believe your observation falls in the sociology 101 arena.


New Member
*abolishing public education
*opposing civil rights
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*opposing the civil war
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*unable to comprehend the 14th amendment
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*considers jim crow laws, segregation, etc merely "bad things", but not unconstitutional
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*racist newsletters for profit and lied about them
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*fucks turtles
*would have no problem letting states prohibit cannabis
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*would have no problem letting states decide for my wife
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*considers my wife's use of the pill to be a problem
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*consider sex for non- procreative reasons to be immoral
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*fucks turtles
*king of pork, takes a ton of it (after voting against the budget, of course)
Partisian Hack point, Dr Paul explained this a thousand times...refer to 2008
*thinks people should not live in areas where disasters could occur, i.e. 99% of the entire nation
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*thinks victims of sexual harassment should just go get another job
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*fucks turtles
*dupes naive college kids into sending him money bombs when he knows he is a loser
At least he gets money from actual people, the only politician who does.
*not brave enough to run as an independent
*runs within the two party system even though he claims he is a revolutionary
*calls homosexuals "not acceptable"
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*supports DOMA, which is unconstitutional
No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*does not support israel
Yes he does for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.
*is against foreign aid, which nets us priceless information for minimal cost
*fucks turtles
*congressional insider trading
No he doesn't for the millionth time, hes the only fucking one who doesn't practically
that's just what i could think of off the top of my head. i could go on.
I think that about covers it, refer to text in bold, we have covered this quite thoroughly before, probably over 5,000 pages worth of posts


Well-Known Member

  • No he doesn't for the millionth time, you take a speech out of context, read it yourself dumbass.



Well-Known Member
being aware of social standards and fitting into them is conformity.

i don't like wearing suits either besides to a wedding. imagine my dilemma last year when i got an interview to work at a plant nursery and they blanked me on what attire i should show up in. i mean, who shows up for an interview at a working in the dirt place in a suit? i decided on the suit without jacket or tie and sleeves partially rolled up. i got the job.
so you got the job and had to wear a suit without jacket and tie to work every day? Or are you trying to tell us that the Nursery only hired you because of your conservative attire? Or are you trying to tell us that you got hired and just happened to be dressed well? Do you think you would have gotten the job if you had showed up in Jeans and a T-Shit?

I ask these questions because your evidence, while anecdotal, seems to imply that home schooled children are social outcasts and have no culture and cannot exist in society. You are wrong about that, and I doubt there is a "Social awkwardness" scale or chart that officially recognizes home-schooled children as being social outcasts. Guess what? There are no studies that show any statistically significant behavior attributed to home schooling. The home schooled kids I knew were actually more socially experienced than their peers because instead of spending 90% of their day with their own age group, they tend to engage all groups and actually are more mature than other children the same age. Which is probably why you feel they are socially awkward because they do not share your penchant for fart jokes and dirty Johnny tales.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Imo, most home-schooled children are more well-prepared to face the real world than most publicly indoctrinated children.
That depends on the dedication of the parents who are teaching their children. I'm seen some pretty damned ignorant home schooled individuals during my tenure here on mother Earth.


Well-Known Member
no not at all, considering the irritation that causes to me and countless other people, ive rarely had people on the internet piss me off bad enough to want to cause them great bodily harm, so the fact he isnt a mod and can be ignored is like getting an early birthday. i really hate, hate, hate the guy, so no its not in the slightest bit unfair.


Well-Known Member
That depends on the dedication of the parents who are teaching their children. I'm seen some pretty damned ignorant home schooled individuals during my tenure here on mother Earth.
if the kids are socialized regularly, most home schooled kids are socially impaired after years of isolation.


Well-Known Member
no not at all, considering the irritation that causes to me and countless other people, ive rarely had people on the internet piss me off bad enough to want to cause them great bodily harm, so the fact he isnt a mod and can be ignored is like getting an early birthday. i really hate, hate, hate the guy, so no its not in the slightest bit unfair.
Yeah that's unfair. You are pretty immature if you resort to tactics like that just because you can't hold your own in a debate.


Well-Known Member
i dont want to debate with anyone, nor do i want some asshole picking apart anything i post that he may or may not feel opposed to. if someone ruins every thread they post on and actually contributes nothing useful why should i have to read it? no tactics, no agenda, just simply celebrating the freedom of enjoyment again. seeing that dudes posts triggered rage for me and made posting in certain ares, a miserable experience for me. were talking about a guy who goes out of his way to irritate others, how is that acceptable and my enjoyment isnt? i think if you go out of your way to be an asshole you have no right to sympathy or courtesy. i know for a fact i am not alone in the way i feel about the guy and im not the only one with him on the ignore list.


Well-Known Member
i dont want to debate with anyone, nor do i want some asshole picking apart anything i post that he may or may not feel opposed to. if someone ruins every thread they post on and actually contributes nothing useful why should i have to read it? no tactics, no agenda, just simply celebrating the freedom of enjoyment again. seeing that dudes posts triggered rage for me and made posting in certain ares, a miserable experience for me. were talking about a guy who goes out of his way to irritate others, how is that acceptable and my enjoyment isnt? i think if you go out of your way to be an asshole you have no right to sympathy or courtesy.
Then you should not direct comments toward him.


Well-Known Member
i more than likely wont, and if you hadnt felt the need to give your two cents worth he wouldn't have gotten any more mention than the initial post. sorry if me hating your friend causes you troubles. that isnt my problem.