Why Don't We Get Marijuana Tax Stamps


Well-Known Member
I was looking on the NORML site, and why don't we try to get the marijuana tax stamps? I know that some states don't print them, any other reasons why we cant get them.:peace:


Well-Known Member
the marijuana tax stamp is a farce!!! in order to get the stamp you had to have the marijuana. in order to grow the marijuana you had to have the stamp. NO ONE was ever issued a stamp as far as i know. they were printed and may be found but never issued.
this is all stoned memory so if i'm wrong.........


Well-Known Member
yeah, you are pretty much correct fdd2blk. i remember the history channel did a thing about marijuana, where it came from, and how it evolved to be illegal. it's a nice watch... i believe that the drug stamps was also modeled after the gun stamps, that i think was later ruled as unconstitutional. that may be wrong, someone buy the dvd set and report back, lawl =p



Well-Known Member
any person with any common sense would see what is happening here. this is our government. they tend to insult my intelligence.

but i still love 'em.


Active Member
The tax stamp is not a farce, its just the chicken and the egg the govt devised in order to "regulate" pot that way they could start jailing ppl for possession. When the US was founded in 1776 George Washington, Thomas Jefforson, and John Adams all grew hemp for rope. Marijuana has no constitutional laws regulating it. The govt is controlling our use of pot as much as possible. And once we let them win this battle, who knows whats next. Outlawing cigerettes completely? Maybe another prohibition? In order to help us? Why can't they realize people need to live indiviual lives? Anyway if you have any questions about the tax stamp check wikipedia.com it has some links at the bottom that will explain it all.


Well-Known Member
because some people think the only way to progress is to force thire way of life on to others it's called (man-o-fest destine) i can't spill, it's been this way since the start of the 20 cen. with the progressive era. :peace:


Well-Known Member
just thought i would chime in on the tax stamp. my sister is an economist for the massachusettes department of revenue and they have the marijuana tax stamp, as well as stamps for other illegal drugs. many drug cases begin as tax evasion cases, or when busted, dealers are also charged for not paying the taxes on the drugs and income. well, the state cant prosecute for tax evasion unless they create an avenue by which citizens can pay their taxes, so, viola, the pot/cocaine/heroin tax stamp. Just like the tax stamp for booze and tobacco. of course, no one ever buys the stamp for obvoius reasons.


i wonder what kind of funny looks you would get if you marched into your local courthouse asking where to buy a marijuana tax stamp because you "dont want to break the law"??:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
There is no stamp for other drugs. And you can't get a stamp anywhere for pot if you tried and had good legal reason.

Even a legitimate research center stocked full of phd's can't get a stamp. You would have to walk into a police station or courthouse with the weed in hand, that is a requirement to get the stamp as was said before.


Please no tax stamps for the masses.
I can see that as becoming the most powerful (and so most corrupt), branch of government.


Active Member
you can buy a pill to get your dick hard. A pill to make you feel up or down. If they legalize marijuana the drug companies will lose out. It's all about making a dollar. I bet if marijuana was hard to grow and only the government could do it. Marijuana would be legal. just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
yes the main reason weed is ileagal is because pharmicutical companies, who rule the world. can not patent it. i just saw on wiki the other day that the us govt bought the rights to marijuana used for the treatment of certain things. cant remember exactly what it was. anyway my point is. i want a tax stamp. is there a number i can call or something?