Why Does Vapor Make Me Choke?


Active Member
All vaporizers need their manufacturing oils burned off - its suggested when you first get one to let it run on a high temperature for a good 5-10 minutes before you use it. I've only had American and Irish made vapes. I think Vapir is Chinese and so there might be who-knows-what in some of their resins and metals used in construction that you could be sensitive too--or even in the whip. It's true that anyone can cough off a vape - I certainly have, even off the best vapes made - but if you're getting headaches and you can test drive or borrow someone's elses vape to compare (hopefully something not Chinese) it might be helpful. But even if you can't do that - forget the Vapir, headaches are not worth it. Coughing is all good though.


Well-Known Member
Damn should have read ahead. Well there you go it's the same thing I experience. Do you noticed that the cough is actually from a different place? Also I have asthma so I wonder if that could be linked because it doesn't happen to my friends or wife.
Yea it's a sort of different cough. More of a spasm from irritation in the back of the throat. I'm told I had 'a touch' of asthma as a child, though I've never had an attack or use medicine. Vaporizers are supposed to be preferable for people with asthma, and aren't breathing treatments often given in vapor form? Seems weird.
I too have asthma and my vaportower makes me cough a lot more than smoking out of the bong. A break between hits and a drink definitely helps. I am gonna try turning it back down a little to see if it helps, as when I first got the vape I didnt cough as much but I was burning it way too low.

While coughing more while medicating sucks, I have noticed other benefits that far outweigh smoking. If I can force myself to only use the vape for just a few days I can quickly notice how much better my lungs feel throughout the day. If I am only using the bong I wake up the next day weezing, but not if I have been using the vape.


Well-Known Member
what works for me is if you have a whip vape or some way to connect your bag to a bong slide you can filter the vapors through water gives me great hits and prevents me from sneezing my balls off. I have sorta the same problem as you dude but I used to sneeze for a couple minutes after each hit and that is what worked the best.


Well-Known Member
I have seen some vape whip attachments for water pipes in the past. Thanks for the reminder. I will have to shop around for a nice new water pipe and vape attachment. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Not all vaporizers need to be run first before being used, but it doesn't hurt to do it anyway. And people WATER FILTERS ARE BAD, they manage to hold back enough of the good stuff that you have to use even more plant matter to get the same amount you would have without the water filter which completely negates the benefits of having the filter in the first place (you get more crap in your lungs). There is no reason to filter vape anyway!


Well-Known Member
Not all vaporizers need to be run first before being used, but it doesn't hurt to do it anyway. And people WATER FILTERS ARE BAD, they manage to hold back enough of the good stuff that you have to use even more plant matter to get the same amount you would have without the water filter which completely negates the benefits of having the filter in the first place (you get more crap in your lungs). There is no reason to filter vape anyway!
Then how come I get higher with this method then straight from the whip with the same amount of plant material? I'm not gunna go by something I read on this one. I feel higher therefore I am.


Well-Known Member
Its either a placebo effect or it feels different because of what has been filtered out by the water. NORML sponsored a study to determine this stuff in a lab and they showed the healthiest ways to use were to cook and eat, vaporize, then unfiltered smoking (because their lab tests were showing that there were less cannabinoids in the water filtered smoke than that of unfiltered smoke). Their evidence showed it was healthier to smoke less without a water filter. And vaporizers were better because they were able to release over 75% of the good stuff out of the herbs while smoking only gets about 25% or less


Well-Known Member
Interesting thread.

A friend of mine has a vap - something. forget which elect. model. Everytime I hit off it I choke and gag my head off. Doesn't matter hash or bud. (he can't handle oil, 10 minutes he's nighty-night)
I vaporize oils & bubble off my bong with nail, screens, and bud in the vapocane. Don't cough but maybe once in awhile.

Always figured it was his street bought stash,,, Hmmm, maybe not?


Well-Known Member
Try drinking water between hits. I notice that some people don't notice their throat drying out when they inhale the dry vapor. - Then they get that phantom cough, where nothing is being coughed out it's just your throats reaction to the dry air. I give them a bottle of water and say, 'drink that inbetween hits' and they are fine after that.. :lol:

Also I vape between 365F-392F on my volcano (bag vaporizer)

what temps are you running
Bingo! This was the same problem that I had. I now drink a ton and the coughing is done.

I use the Vapir One with a TUrkey Bag to fill.

The second thing I did to eliminate the coughing was lower the temp for 365 to 355.

At 355 I found that each cartrdge can be used twice with the same effect! I then save the "duff" and make canabutter. Once you do that you will love it!

THe other big thing is to drink the liquids ice cold. mkaes the throat smoother!