Why does my keif taste bad?


New Member
I recently got a volcano and a space case grinder. My first vaporizer and grinder. I used them both for about 3 weeks, and I couldn't of been happier. Then I got down to the last little bit of the 1/2 oz I had. After grinding up a 1/2 oz over the course of 3 weeks, I had a sizeable ammount of keif in the catcher. So with my last little bit, I filled the chamber with enough bud to cover the bottom screen, and then dumped some keif on top of it. Vaped it up, and it tasted HORRIBLE. Iw as like WTF?! Why did that taste so bad? I've had kief before and it never tasted like this metallic ass flavor. So I busted out a NEW vape bag, and tried it again, put enough bud to cover the bottom screen, and some more kief on top. Again tasted like metallic ass. So I go clean out my bong and put fresh water in it, and fill the bowl with the last of my bud, and put kief on top. Tasted even worse than the vape hits. like 4x worse. WTF gives? I've heard alluminum grinders can be bad, but this one is brand new (and titanium coated) and none of my bud hits before the kief ones tasted bad at all.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
sounds weird but i will just take a guess.

when i get something new the first thing i do is clean it. some items depending on where they were made and where they are going will be sprayed with chemicals like pesticides. i have had new glass pieces taste terrible until they have been cleaned with warm soapy water.

maybe not because the weed did not taste bad but the kief did.