Why does my hanging bud smell like grass??


Well-Known Member
Ive strarted curing and the buds are all still on the branches just cut w/no leaves but they dont smell like dank, they smell like grass kinda... Does this go away and start smelling like dank?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Was the harvest early?

Did you flush like hell the week and the night before harvest?

Did you harvest during the light cycle or right before the lights were supposed to go on?


Well-Known Member
Its my first full grow so yeah theyv e been flushed for almost 3 weeks but i didnt turn the lights off b4 harvest =/

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
well...dry em. then start curing I guess is all you can do. There are some really good guides on here for harvesting and curing, check them out man. I have seen grassy bud actually turn sweet, its mostly chlorophyll that makes that nasty grass smell (which breaks down as the bud dries and cures). Good luck! And hell, at least you made it to the finish! Congrats on the first pull!


Well-Known Member
at no point should there be more than a hint of fresh grass. so many people ruin their bud manicuring at harvest, u want the dank stank remove only the sun leaves, and only the ones long enough to have stem pertruding from the bud (so u dont mangle ur fresh buds getting to the leaf stem) hang and finish the trim when its dry then cure... /.02


Well-Known Member
yeah man my shit smelled like hay through drying. cure in glass jars for like 2-4 weeks and the dank smell will come. i heard that the hay smell is chlorophyl making its way out of the bud........but yeah i harvested two diesel ryders and it smelled like junk. after 2 weeks of cure they smelled like fruity DANKNESS


Active Member
i had to chop one of my girls early a few days ago... mine are dried now and never had a hint of grass smell at all, i still have that dank kush smell. just cure your babies and she should turn out great!!