Why do people think so little of smokers?


Well-Known Member
yea im not in college but i dont think im ruining my life by smoking weed.

I do strongly agree with you though cheese...

It has always seemed like every job I have every had (even the ones i didnt mind going to) I still always woke up with that gay ass i dont wanna go to work feeling..

well I dont know about you guys but ill just wake up 15 minutes earlier, go outside smoke a bowl, and no longer do i dread going to work, literally what goes through my mind is, "lets go to work and kick some fucking ass".

Also even though I wake up 15 minutes earlier I tend to be more awake all day and have a lot more energy and do all the tasks quickly and to there best, I never half ass when I'm stoned, I love it.


Active Member
couldnt of sed it better myself
Just look at the DEA drug profiles. People believe that shit that pot smokers fit some kind of profile. If they only knew that every kind of person blazes - from stay-at-home moms to business executives to psychologists to retail associates. Hell, they just don't realized their mother smoked pot too! :joint:

Blaze on brother!


Well-Known Member
Heh yeah I agree with all of you for sure. People always think it's way worse then it actually is. I get blazed every morning before school and before work. I'm also in college and I'm doing pretty well. It actually helps me wake up, it's a great way to start the day and after I wake up and smoke a bowl or two I feel ready to take on the day. Then again I'm more of a sativa smoker too. I can see being way lazy after smoking a bunch of indica but that's to be expected XD.


Active Member
people hate weed, especially most women. here at college, if i go out and do not smoke, women come up to me and whatever...when i do smoke (which is very time i go out haha) they like see my red eyes or smell, they are like so turned off....but i am supposed to be turned on when they are fallin over drunk....smoke weed everyday


Active Member
I know we shouldn't care what others think, but I wish I could be more open about it. Because of my job, I can't be, but if I were a heavy drinker - going to happy hour every night etc. no one would blink an eye. How ironic!