Why Do People Believe Weird Things... Confirmation Bias


Active Member
No, you had a human animal phenomena of seeing patterns. Of associating say a prayer with a reaction. Because you probably prayed all the time, then one of your prayers came true, thus that is the one you recall and use to justify your belief in an illogical concept. Take for example if five times a day I fart in my hand then throw the coins in the air hopeing for all heads. after a month i'm sure a few times all heads would wind up and I would equally logically believe that farting in my hand and throwing coins up in the air brings all heads more often then not because i'll remember the chemical reactions in my brain from the times when it did happen thus intensifying my reaction and making it more memorable and easier to recall. But then agian as your minister siad i'm just the devil tryign to throw you off the path to heaven right? LOL! I love christians, they are self hypnotized and have no idea that they are hiding from the truth, all the while treating people they believe act like they actually do like shit feeling superior.

That said some of my best friends are christian ministers... but then again everyone is flawed somehow.
If you call my wife surviving kidney failure.... and the nephrologist telling us to say our final goodbyes because she would not make it through the night; and him also saying she has a 98% mortality rate.... then she survives??? well she will have to be on dialasys for the rest of her life the nephrologist said... yeah?? try 2 weeks!! the doctors were dumbfounded, claiming it a miracle.... now if you call that random, so be it, but she didn't just have my prayers, she was in the prayers of several thousand!! Who were backing this effort of prayer and faith... You can laugh all you want, but there's nothing in the world that would change me... You say you have friends that are christian? ask them about the power of prayer... just to see what they say....


Well-Known Member
So it seems that they never even explore the implants...they just attack Leir...

This falls under the category of "infotainment"
No actually they took what was in the guys leg to a DIFFERENT scientist who said there was nothing out of earth about it, like Lier said. And they got a list of ways such a piece of metal could wind up in someones leg by scientists...


Well-Known Member
If you call my wife surviving kidney failure.... and the nephrologist telling us to say our final goodbyes because she would not make it through the night; and him also saying she has a 98% mortality rate.... then she survives??? well she will have to be on dialasys for the rest of her life the nephrologist said... yeah?? try 2 weeks!! the doctors were dumbfounded, claiming it a miracle.... now if you call that random, so be it, but she didn't just have my prayers, she was in the prayers of several thousand!! Who were backing this effort of prayer and faith... You can laugh all you want, but there's nothing in the world that would change me... You say you have friends that are christian? ask them about the power of prayer... just to see what they say....
something very similar happend to my uncle. He's an atheist.


Well-Known Member
But just because your answer for one situation has been given, it does not mean that answer is applicable to a similar one. It offers one explanation for one situation.

Who gets to make the distinctions between silly and serious? It's not up to the logicians...its up to the individual.
The problem is that scientists that claim to have found evidence for aliens fail in the most basic ways. They never attempt to negate the null hypothesis, which is what the skeptics end up having to do. If the scientists in question actually did their job, there wouldn't be a need for such skepticism.

Think about it. The working hypothesis seems to be that the implants are alien. The null hypothesis then is that there are terrestrial explanations for them. The only way to prove your hypothesis is to show that no one can explain these items as normal, terrestrial origin. When you go around discussing results that only you or your team have been privy to and then charge to see information on your web site. The idea of free and open exchange of ideas immediately goes out the window. He hasn't been very convincing that he has done his due dilligence in rejecting the null.


Well-Known Member
You're not going to believe this...but I have one right here...All praise Ronald McDonald!

Ronald Works in Mysterious ways!!! See right there PROOF that Ronald McDonald is in fact the creator of God and Gods Universe and thus in control of everything, showing us his proof if you only focus on the lucky moments!!! All Hail the Great Clown!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You are making assumptions about his work without even trying to clarify...he works with other well-respected scientist and no one, not even the Los Alamos Lab can explain these implants. How could humans reverse engineer that which they dont even have the capability to reproduce? We do not have access to the materials used, they are only found in deep space. And they behave like nothing else ever observed...

If you actually took the time to familiarize yourself with his work (and I admit, I am not fully qualified to debate it, and no one here probably is either), your questions might be answered.
What assumptions am I making about his work? I tried to find the answers to those questions but didn't find anything. Also what materials are they made of that aren't found on earth, and only found in deep space? If you cannot name specific elements I am calling bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Ronald Works in Mysterious ways!!! See right there PROOF that Ronald McDonald is in fact the creator of God and Gods Universe and thus in control of everything, showing us his proof if you only focus on the lucky moments!!! All Hail the Great Clown!
Ok...but I am a liberated guy...I like to think that HE...is a SHE...



guy incognito

Well-Known Member
We are humans. our sins include seeing patterns when there are none. be it relgion, be it the tiny piece of metal floating around in our leg MUST be because it is an alien device transmitting information back to surrounding motherships about what is going on with the characters on the show Glee.... it all fits...

But in all honesty from the other side of the coin it is MORE likely then not that there is life on Uropa as well as out in the universe. Since it exists here it should exist there too, nto to mention life should then exist on all levels of our reality not just the one we wanter around in (think atomic, think macro). But aliens being quiet about being here is as likely as god being as quiet about being here... or time travelers on cell phones in chaplin films. I'm not saying its 100% untrue, but I am saying if you want to believe that on faith then you sure as hell better be aperson that doesn't complain when someone believes they are a vampire, or someone thinks they are jesus. You better give them the respect you expect or you are a hypocrite.
I have almost no doubt life exists somewhere else in the universe. Possibly even intelligent life. My first problem lies with them being able to detect where we are. Radio, tv, and other EM waves propagate at the speed of light, so our communication sphere is not very far out into the universe because we didn't start sending those out until extremely recently on a universal time scale. They can't possibly detect us until those signals get out there, unless they independent of that just knew where in the universe to look to find intelligent life. My second problem with it is there ability to traverse the cosmos. They would probably have had to set out to get to us before we even existed. Or they can travel faster than light, or they can teleport, both of which I believe are impossible to attain regardless of how much time and resources you have. My third problem is with the fact they could somehow get in and do all these things that are supposedly credited to them without being discovered by any credible source. Only nutty conspiracy theorists and lone country hicks ever have any "evidence".

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I think that it is very naive and ignorant to believe we are alone in the universe, mathematically it would make sense that life exists elsewhere in the universe. Then the question arises why wouldn't we have plain and simple contact. If an alien race had managed to master space travel that can allow them to arrive at earth it would stand to reason that they are a much more advanced than us and upon viewing our planet would conclude that we are a lost cause. In order to realistically travel the distances of the universe these beings would have to adhere to what we understand as quantum physics. In our ordinary understanding of physics it suggests that light is the fastest known speed and limit of travel (this would take countless lifetimes to reach our nearest galaxy). However in quantum physics it suggests that space and time are tangible and simultaneous which would allow a being to essentially fold space and time to appear where and when they wish.

If a race had managed to discover and manipulate quantum physics upon viewing our world we would look hopeless, the fact of the matter is we as a species possess the capability and technology to solve the vast majority of our problems here on earth but lack the uniformed interest to address the issues. Violence and self preservation is hardwired into our minds and the average person lacks the ability to let go of this.

I don't personally know for a fact that alien life exists in the universe as I haven't experienced it first hand. I just believe that logically and mathematically it would make sense life exists elsewhere.
There are good reasons why even if there are bunches and bunches of intelligent life out there we will never have contact with them. I don't think you have a good understanding of quantum physics. I admit I don't have a full understanding, but I am familiar with it. Have read numerous books and had classes in university. I think the scenarios you describe are probably impossible. I agree life may exist elsewhere, but they won't ever get here.


Well-Known Member
Is that you in the avatar?? You look like a homo, to each his own though...
Ohhh I see. You are doing personal attacks again so that you can use your selective memory to look at my return attacks and say "HA! Look at that guy, he's just mean which means he's with the devil which means that i'm the good guy which means I'm right since I don't like him!" Bro, you are trying to create a scenario where you can dismiss and forget all the things you learned about yourself and the fallacy of your religious beliefs by skimming over on a personal argument. Very common among both christians and ironically republicans (look at Hannity on fox news).

Keep justifying your evil ways to the world thru religion.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
No actually they took what was in the guys leg to a DIFFERENT scientist who said there was nothing out of earth about it, like Lier said. And they got a list of ways such a piece of metal could wind up in someones leg by scientists...
You are saying that Leir let P&T take the sample?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Are you saying that this scientists refuses to let other scientists see his evidence and give an unbias conclusion?
Well, considering that he works with other scientists (Bob Koontz, Steve Colbern, some others) and has had a lab analysis done by Los Alamos Labratory whose findings leaned towards the materials being E.T. in origin I would say he has put it out there enough.