why did the dem/repub lower the tax credits?


Well-Known Member
I'm having to jump through hoops inorder to get this credit.
first, you dont get $8,000 outright.
other things come into play, like income,house value, have to live on property and for no less then 3 yrs.

The bill started out as a $15,000 tax credit and a large tax credit for buying a new car. when all is said and done, its "up to" $8,000 for home credit and next to nothing for buying a new none hybrid auto.

with a $15,000 tax credit I could have bought the foreclosed rehab that I wanted.:o
had they wet my whistle, I can't see why I wouldn't be new car shopping.

our gov't has no problem to blindly bailout any institution.
but when it comes to its people, it become all entangled in bureaucratic nonesense. the only ones that can solve the housing/auto issues get only half of what was promised and have hoops to jump through.

does anyone know WHY they cut the credit?


New Member
with a $15,000 tax credit I could have bought the foreclosed rehab that I wanted.

Are you a Vet? If so, you can get into a property with no money down. FHA guaranteed loans only require 3.5% down. If you have a good agent, he/she will know how to get the seller to pay your closing costs.



New Member
They cut it because they're just trying to get people to spend money. They didn't really mean anyone would get a credit, they can't afford to give a credit because they must shell out plenty of cash for bailed out CEO's to get their bonus checks.

You argued for them to get those checks, they deserved them, now you see what you get in return....... the shaft. I bet they don't even thank you for your loyalty to them either.


Well-Known Member
wow.i wish everyone would stop talking about the measly 150 million dollar bonus checks.
it is a huge distraction from AIG shuffling 100 billion dollars out the back door to foriegn banks.
that 150 million wouldnt support what we have given AIG for one hour of one day.
and all this hoopla over a 150?
i swear people are not smart enough to count in the USA


New Member
It's not just them ya jackass, now all the other bailedout companies want to shell out bonus checks too. You act like one company pulls a stunt and it ends there. One company pulls a stunt and the rest play monkey see, monkey do.

Let's also keep in mind that some of these companies are now on their second bailout in 6 months, which means in the next 6 months, they're going to want 2 more bailouts. It'll keep happening until we the people shut that shit down.


Well-Known Member
200 billion is alot more than 150 million.
dodd KNEW of the bonus contracts.the US government would be acting illegaly if it passed a law EX POST FACTO , or after the fact,.it is unconstitutional and the US congress is about to violate their OATH YET ONCE AGAIN to deffend the constitution.
the US government has no right to pass a ex post facto law.or break contracts made,.these things are against the very foundations of the countrys constitution.it is a violation of their oath to pass a tax on the bonus's or to breech a contract.wether you like it or not


New Member
Contracts are broken and ammended every day of the year. Welcome to life. It can be changed.

Some of the execs that have a conscience (or that might be afraid people killing them in their beds) gave their bonus checks back, but out of the 54% of bonus money that was paid to people OUTSIDE of America, I don't think any has been returned.

That's right, they took money out of American pockets to send it to people who don't even live here so that money isnt' even going back in to our economy.

Any exec who would sue over breach of contract over a retention bonus should be pink slipped. It's easy really. Play nice or hit the bricks. It happens everyday here in America. They can be fired and a reason can always be drummed up. It happens to the american worker all the time.

I guess you can't see beyond the fact that they have a job still at all is a bonus within itself. Had they not been bailouted out, they'd be on the unemployment line and unemployment doesn't hand out bonus checks. It all comes back around to that greed thing I keep saying. They're so addicted to money that they will go to ANY length to gain it. I'm glad their bonus checks are being taxed at 90% serves them right for being fat greedy fuckers.


Well-Known Member
Contracts are broken and ammended every day of the year. Welcome to life. It can be changed.

Some of the execs that have a conscience (or that might be afraid people killing them in their beds) gave their bonus checks back, but out of the 54% of bonus money that was paid to people OUTSIDE of America, I don't think any has been returned.

That's right, they took money out of American pockets to send it to people who don't even live here so that money isnt' even going back in to our economy.

Any exec who would sue over breach of contract over a retention bonus should be pink slipped. It's easy really. Play nice or hit the bricks. It happens everyday here in America. They can be fired and a reason can always be drummed up. It happens to the american worker all the time.

I guess you can't see beyond the fact that they have a job still at all is a bonus within itself. Had they not been bailouted out, they'd be on the unemployment line and unemployment doesn't hand out bonus checks. It all comes back around to that greed thing I keep saying. They're so addicted to money that they will go to ANY length to gain it. I'm glad their bonus checks are being taxed at 90% serves them right for being fat greedy fuckers.
Unless you're a state which signed the accursed Contract called the Constitution... then there is no amending it or changing it, or cancelling it. You're screwed.

Contract from Hell...

Surrender now, all your bases are belong to them.


Well-Known Member
with a $15,000 tax credit I could have bought the foreclosed rehab that I wanted.

Are you a Vet? If so, you can get into a property with no money down. FHA guaranteed loans only require 3.5% down. If you have a good agent, he/she will know how to get the seller to pay your closing costs.

sadly no, no military. after high school my thought was to see how far football could take me. if nothing came about fb, my back up plan was to enter as an officer. three knee surgeries,a bum shoulder and neck issues kinds derailed those plans...

I did look into the FHA 203k(rehab loan) but they added points to the loan.

I bought a place 2 yrs ago, that alone take me out of any tax credits. so what we did(my common law wife) was just to put the new house in her name. good thing we didn't get married last summer, with both incomes added I doubt we would have gotten any tax credits(other then the ones already in place)

I was just wondering about congress, whos idea was it to give $15k and whos brite ideal it was to cut that in half...and take out the auto credits.


Well-Known Member
ms moffit like all liberal socialists finds the constitution to be a antique junk piece of paper to be ignored.


Well-Known Member
They cut it because they're just trying to get people to spend money. They didn't really mean anyone would get a credit, they can't afford to give a credit because they must shell out plenty of cash for bailed out CEO's to get their bonus checks.

You argued for them to get those checks, they deserved them, now you see what you get in return....... the shaft. I bet they don't even thank you for your loyalty to them either.
cause: housing market
large issue: auto market
the way I see it is, those credits would have helped both housing and auto. I can't understand why congress wouldn't have made it as easy as can be.
I don't know any other way out of this mess, but to get people to buy.

it appears almost like they want to prolong the issues. I really hope its not about having enough time inorder to push thier policies.

if they really wanted to save GM, wouldnt a half off credit help? instead of just handing them money, while nobody is buying.


Well-Known Member
people cannot purchase anything when they do not have jobs.
it is a self feeding cycle..the rally in the stock market you see right now is a suckers rally.
there are around 5 million homes in forclosure and 15% of mortgages are delinquent or in the foreclosure process right now.
even the governments tax receipts are WAY DOWN.obama just got his trillion and half dollar budget he wanted..so now obama is at around 15 trillion dollars gone in 2.5 months or so.
the official unemployment rate right now is at around 10% and growing.the unofficial is at around 20% the 20% mark would support a mortgage delinquency rate of around 15%.
the USA is losing 700K jobs a MONTH.
the political class is caught this time,and i think they are scared with how hard they are working at banning ammo and taxing it.