Why are we fighting?

Why are liberal tokers and conservative tokers getting in arguements? We should all just be working on the goal we all want accomplished. Hell, this is roll it up .org not pissandmoanaboutyourdifferences.org. We should come together and fight for a legal marijuana and a safer America. I understand lefties and righties don't agree on the aspects of politics or the president. Cone together and fight for a legal marijuana. Send the Obama administration well writen, well thought out essays about the perks of legalization. Alright u guys, get writing!


Well-Known Member
Some members are not concerned with cannabis as an issue at all. I can think of one well established member who makes no secret of the fact that he is a non-user. Nor does he even make an attempt to hide his disdain for 'potheads' as he calls us.

But cannabis is not a Left/Right issue as neither side is serious about re-legalization at the federal level. Which would not be an issue if the federal government adhered to the 10th Amendment and left the re-legalization issue up to the states as it has finally done on the medical cannabis question. The Democrats got that one right.

Neither side is willing to relinquish control and the power that comes with Prohibition. Freedom for recreational cannabis users translates into less control for the powers that be. As such, the ultimate question is one of freedom and liberty. And that is worthy of discussion.


Well-Known Member
Why are liberal tokers and conservative tokers getting in arguments?
believe it or not, there are more important things in this world than lighting up. the path a society takes and the ethos of a nation, the threats to freedoms we all seem to take for granted, the way we look at the world around us. these all effect the way we live. what do you think the chances are of ending this ridiculous prohibition when government decides it has the right to intrude into every facet of our lives and change the very meaning of the constitution? what point would there be to legalization if the state controlled every market and could decide what products were available through price regulation? those scenarios may seem far fetched, but these things are already happening all around us and there is a growing movement in the world that is taking us away from free markets and toward consolidated authoritarianism.

the technology now exists to form an effective centralized government with the capacity to quash most any form of meaningful dissent. inundated by irrelevancies that cloak a major shift in the very definition of freedom and indoctrinated into a culture of illusory entitlements, we can see that brave new world of sated indifference right around the corner and, quite frankly, it scares the living shit out of some of us. amid the feckless followers, the indolent idiots and the greedily gullible, there are those who refuse the paltry handouts and demand their rights as individuals. within this faction that strives to keep hold of individualism in the face of a growing trend toward group-think, there are some who feel it isn't enough to merely live the life of a free man. they want to expound on the virtues of personal responsibility in an attempt to sway those blind disciples of the nanny state or perhaps even burst their illusions and wake them up to their true state. sometimes it isn't enough to just talk the talk and walk the walk, sometimes you've gotta make some noise.

these are the arguments you find so irrelevant. as i said, there is more to life than just sparking up a number when you feel like it. that right, along with all our rights, is dependent on maintaining the liberty of everyone.


Well-Known Member
people an the internet argue because theres no reason to have manners or compassion over the net. you can forge t that the jerk whos disagreeing with you has a whole different life full of different experiences and diserves as much respect as any other human

also people need to start following this rule; if you dont like what your reading, STOP READING IT, and you certainly dont have to feel obliged to respond


Elite Rolling Society
2 decades every one who smoked pot never had different opinions at all ever?

Very very seldom.

It was like a social network then.
If you smoked pot then, to be cool, or "in"
You had to wear bell bottoms if you smoked pot.
You had to have long hair, you had to not shave,
you had to be oppsed to HARD Drugs like heroin,
you had to be a liberal, had to be opposed to the war, and be for equal and civl rights, and be a goverment hater.

In the late 70s, the bikers and rednecks and Nazi's and haters discovered smoking pot and it all changed.


Well-Known Member
Very very seldom.

It was like a social network then.
If you smoked pot then, to be cool, or "in"
You had to wear bell bottoms if you smoked pot.
You had to have long hair, you had to not shave,
you had to be oppsed to HARD Drugs like heroin,
you had to be a liberal, had to be opposed to the war, and be for equal and civl rights, and be a goverment hater.

In the late 70s, the bikers and rednecks and Nazi's and haters discovered smoking pot and it all changed.
actually, they discovered crank and it was all over. :-P

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
nixon ,ford and carter as president no one ever had any issuses , and were allways on the same page i remember the 70's a lot diff then you do roseman


Well-Known Member
In the 60s and 70s, all pot smokers shared the same political ideals and goals.
you know that's a load. i've been a friend of the herb for a long, long, long, long time and i've smoked with communists, anarchists, laissez-fair capitalists, rednecks, black power advocates, isolationists, hawks, doves, the indifferent, the apathetic, radical christians, radical atheists, and a thousand others, most of which i've forgotten, with agendas from one end of the spectrum to the other and back again. the thing is - once you hand a man a joint, all the differences just seem to fade away.


Well-Known Member
internet anoynimity says it all.anybody can be tuff.i absolutly gurantee you would not diss me if ya met me in real life.like rose says the weed thing has changed dramitcally just as society has.rose can you imagine watching a mike jackson type grabbing his ball sack w/ ur parents/granparents in the 60s?tv wouldnt ever be turned back on!!in many ways (my opinion)the world has devolved not evolved
I would give up my right to medicate with cannabis than to see this country led by such a publicity hound and someone with little to no experience.

See it all isnt about marijuana. I can sit down and toke with anyone I like, but my ideals and ethos will not change.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
We all have friends in real life, from every walk of political, racial, and sexual life, but the Internet is full of trolls, who's only goal is to get a rise out of people, perhaps because they don't have much of a voice otherwise.

Don't let it bring you down.



Elite Rolling Society
actually, they discovered crank and it was all over. :-P

yep! then coke, then Heroin, and it was all over but the crying and dying. Destoyed Haight-Ashbury district, the parks, and the PEACE and Love..

Anoather thing that messed it up, (not blaming them) but a lot of soldiers came home from Viet Nam addicted to harder drugs that never got the Peace and Love instilled in them..