Why are there so many Trump supporters on RIU?


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul (not current, but certainly significant) is the only name that comes to mind off the top of my head, but as a Canadian I am not very familiar with US Congress. Basically any of them that call themselves Libertarian have heavy classical Liberal ideals. This is considerably different than "social" Liberalism.
ron paul?

that guy had his own forum on the white supremacist website stormfront


Well-Known Member
No. It isn't. You can ignore the historical facts of the Frankfurt School if you wish, and you can ignore that this dogma is still being taught by commie Profs at nearly every American and Canadian University - it doesn't change the fact that it exists and that it is an incredibly destructive force in the modern world.

Equal opportunity is not the same thing as equity. Look it up.

There are many on the alt-left, including several in this thread, who would go to any lengths (including murder) to silence the opinions of others. To say that these people support freedom of expression is an act overt contradiction. They are the fascists.
you know who else likes to talk about "cultural marxism"?

KKK leader david duke
Do you really take Alex Jones serious? the dude had his lawyer come out and say "he's only playing a character".
Been a daily listener sine 1999, son! Also, you are being disingenuous. That was in reference to an actual satire piece he did, but the MSM had to turn it into meaning his entire program because they are terrified of him.