why are the leaves this color


Well-Known Member
it would be a great start if you don't cut off the leaves of your plant - it's bad

the reasons for this color might be many - overwatering, high temps, nutes buildups, pH issues, some users will probably share even more possibilities

what light are you using, how frequently are you watering, are you administering nutes and how much, what is your soil pH


Well-Known Member
im watering every 3-4 days more or less when the pot feels real light using all cfl lights 7 26watt (100 equiv) and 1 75watt (300 equiv) i have 3 fluros for flowering and not using any nutes just this shit that my customer gave me she said itll help feed the plants its a 20/20/20 mix think its to strong?? and the soil and water ph have no idea as this is my first grow and i was just experimenting....but my second grow is going great ill post pics!! and the leaves on the new plants arnt yellow but a shiny green lol it just looks yellow cuz its under light....these plants are about 2 weeks but i would say a week and a half..



Well-Known Member
you should wait some more before going full strength with the nutes
use only water for a while see if it helps


Well-Known Member
This is from the bible. It may help

If your plant is in vegetative growth and the leaves are going very
yellow, then you need more Nitrogen
. If your plant is in flowering and
you have stunted growth, yellow leaves and it looks to be dying then
you need more Nitrogen. If your plant is in flowering and does not
look like it is dying but looks red or dark green/yellow then you need
to treat it with more P, which is Phosphorus


Well-Known Member
thx for the input guys i did move it to a bigger pot last night with some organic soil weighed about 7-12 pounds after i transplanted it then i put water into the pot and the weight went to like 20-25 pounds but no water drained through the holes so i didnt know if that was enough since last night till now i have put about 7 more ounces water in the plant but still no drainage...do u think i have enough water in there or there needs to be more? the lady is matured i can flower it at any time its been in vegging for about 2 and half months prolly gonna start flowering on tuesday. Oh yea and when i did transplant my lady i did find that the roots were about 6 inches out of the drainage holes so i think the plant got root bounded and thats what started to change my color of the leaves :)


Well-Known Member
Are you balancing your PH? Are you using nutes? If your giving it nutes make sure your not over feeding, take it easy the first few times and by their reaction estimate how much your plants will need.