Why are my rooted clippings flowering?


I have been cloning using an aeroponic cloner, homemade, and have gotten really good success with it for my first go around. However, I noticed just recently that most of the clones are starting to show female flowering pistels. Why would this be happening? Is it detrimental to the rooting of the clones?
I have included a picture of the roots so far (after 2 weeks) and the slight hint of female bud sites forming.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Two weeks??? I'm not allowed in the ops with any recording equipment but if I have to I'll set up a bin in my place just to show you guys that you're going through way to much to clone pot plants.


Well-Known Member
It simply means the mother is at sexual maturity. Those are preflowers. Totally natural...


Well-Known Member
My clones started flowering before on 24/7 light cycle......come to find out my light was too intense thus stressing them to the point where they started flowering.....I moved the light away and almost instantly they reverted back to veg......maybe some type of stress is making your clones start flowering???Or maybe it's just showing sex...can you tell if it is in fact flowering or just showing pre flowers


Active Member
are you putting them under stress at all? if you were it could make them want to flower?
its definately not an autoflower strain?


Well-Known Member
Its natural man.
Like Serapis said, it mean the plant you took them off its a female
All female plants grow pistils, even if their not flowering.
Its what determines them differnent from males


Thanks for all the input. I just looked at them again and the roots still seem to be growing and the flowering pistils haven't gotten any bigger so I think I am fine. This hasn't happened before with this same exact strain. Different conditions though, so it could be a little stress (cloning water might be a bit cold). Either way, good to have the input and I will keep an eye on them.


Active Member
dude - rain water is cold thats not stress:P
i meant like water or light stress or anything but thats not the case.
this just means then that the plants are sexually mature - simple as :D

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
i am on an 18/6 light cycle. i had a fully vegged plant in the same room with no flowering characteristics...
Clones are 24 hour light. Cool white flouresent.

When I need mega clones all at once I use a small spashing pool made for children. They're round, about six feet across and about one foot high. They are corulated on the bottom so that makes them good for drainage(for rockwool). I set this on a table and I jack up two legs of the table on one side about one and one half inches. On the lower side(bottom) of the wading pool I drill several 1/2 inch holes for drainage and air. I place a sheet of clear plastic over the wading pool and suspend four, dual four foot flouresent light fixtures fitted with cool white flouresent four foot tubes, directly over the plastic(about 2" or 3" away from the plastic). Give the clones a good spraying(with clean water) before you seal the plastic. In five to seven days you can start putting your clones in 12/12hr 1000w/hps. (#2rooting agent, powder for semi-hardwood)