Why are my plants doing this? Pictures Included


Well-Known Member
Mostly on the tops
The tops huh.........probably iron def, just buy some botincare Cal/mag+ iron (every indoor grower should have this anyway) which will fix this and cover a Cal-mag issue which it may also be.

But make sure your soil ph (6-7) is good before adding anything......good luck grower

edit....just looked at the pics:-P and that's a magnesium def or lock no question......
That could be the problem. I was feeding them only straight R/O water PH'ed for awhile, however, I've regularly been feeding them nutes according to the Fox Farms feeding Schedule for the last two weeks. My PPM's have been between 1400-1800 during each feeding. I've also been adding in Cal/Mag and Great White to my feedings. Perhaps I was just to slow to start giving them actual nutes when they were hungry. As you can see from the pictures, they are pretty good size. Input is greatly appreciated guys/gals. This is my first grow, so fingers crossed... I just didn't want to hurt them with "too much love".


New Member
Acidic soil/media and they are not uptaking proper amounts of nutrients due to this . As well they look water logged , notice the leathery leaves and general droop indicating over watering .


Well-Known Member

RO water lacks the minerals tap water contains (calcium/magnesium) Most fertilizers dont contain enough to meet a plants needs. The water usually provides enough but woth "soft" or RO water, you will need to supplement.

When did you start with the cal-mag? How much?

I add powdered garden lime to the soil now as I was always getting Ca deficiencies and pH swings in flowering. Ocean Forrest contains oyster shells that buffer soil and provide calcium but they dont work indefinitely. In addition to being an essential nutrient for plant development, calcium acts as a buffer in the soil which promotes nutrient availability. Low Ca leads to acidic soil leads to nutrient lockout .

Id bet that your run-off pH is low.

Add the cal-mag first, mix, THEN add base nutrients. Adding them in wrong order can cause problems with the elements binding in the solution.