Why are my bottom leaves dying?


IMG_3487.JPG First time grower here. I water my plants every time I see the top soil dry. I also use nutrients every couple days. Any tips on why my bottom leaves may be dying? Any feedback helps! IMG_3486.JPG


Well-Known Member
1.) They need to be transplanted into a larger pot.
2.) The ph must be on point.
3.) The nutes could burn them.
4.) If the ph level is not optimal the food will form into salt crystals on and or in your roots. This is called nute lock. The leaves will die off starting from the bottom.
Do number 1 first.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3974759 First time grower here. I water my plants every time I see the top soil dry. I also use nutrients every couple days. Any tips on why my bottom leaves may be dying? Any feedback helps! View attachment 3974758
Great job growing them that big in those cups. Bigger pot with fresh soil for sure.
Not sure what you mean here. You wait till the soil dries before watering so your not watering every day right? Then you say you use nutes every couple of days. How often do you water only between giving nutes?


Well-Known Member
Bigger pots.

I would say chronic under watering with a bit of salt buildup.

They are root bound or close to it and the soil will dry daily quickly.

Either mix your nutes weaker 1/4 - 1/2 strength and feed with every watering until 20% run off or mix the nute 1/2 to full strength and water, feed, water, feed, water, feed, etc until 20% run off.

The ph of soil swings as it dries to allow proper nutrient uptake. Too wet or too dry will cause various problems.

Go by weight. If it feels heavy don't water, if its light water.


Great job growing them that big in those cups. Bigger pot with fresh soil for sure.
Not sure what you mean here. You wait till the soil dries before watering so your not watering every day right? Then you say you use nutes every couple of days. How often do you water only between giving nutes?
Yeah I water them daily and I feed them nutes every 2-3 days