why and how am i getting high off my male leaves?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
My 1st grow I just harvested and cured has tons of seeds.... but...my mmj is alot more potent then most dispensaries around here.

Some of my chem og



Well-Known Member
We smoked leaf all the time when I was a kid.
It gets you high, period
It just takes alot more and sore throat, ouchy lungs anda badass headach often follow.


New Member
My wife and I created this account solely to respond to the original poster and verify that the male cannabis plant can be smoked medicinally! Op's claims of a nice, medicinal high from smoking the male cannabis leaves were experienced by us. Please note that the leaves and the entire plant had been hanging outside to dry, then cut down and brought inside for storage.

We ground up something like ten dried leaves with just our fingers and smoked it. We felt a smooth and calming mellowing effect instantly... Wish we had papers.. It tasted like a cloud and there was nothing unpleasant about it! We both rely greatly on the herb for medicinal purposes and are very thankful that we can use the male parts of the plant while we wait for the females to be harvested. Its 10g a here for that onehit stuff.

We also used these dried male leaves in a coconut oil to make our own coconut cannabis oil. First we decarbed at 220 for something like 45 minutes. Then cooked it in the coconut oil for about 4 hours at something around 180 using a diy double boiler. We tested it with a visitor and said that he had a nice mellow stoney effect from it that was very pleasant. We never mentioned to him it was from a male.