Who's got the best stealth shipping?


Active Member
Can somebody tell me who's got the best stealth shipping for seeds? No need to go into detail, i just wanna know who to order from so my seeds get here. I ordered from nirvana, and customs opened the package and got it, i ordered a nintendo ds flash card from hong kong and customs opened the package to look inside although nothing bad came from that. I hear attitude is good, but assuming i order from them and customs open it, will they find it as easily as they found nirvana's? Anyone know a bank that ships truly stealth, like if you open the package you cant find it unless you know where to look?

Or anyone in the US feel like PMing me about stuff, i know customs dont go thru US mail where i live.:twisted:


Active Member
I've said this before and of course... I'll say it again. What is stealth? What is good stealth? With my untrained eye and fingers I could not tell what was in the packages I recieved. Well I couldn't tell there were seeds in them at least

I don't think there is a customs agent that good that can put his hand on a package and tell you what's in it so.. in my opinion it's either 1) bad luck your package got picked or 2) some kind of detection device zeroed them in on it or 3) they know how every package looks like coming from the seed bank. #3 I highly doubt.

Try this... take an envelope, fold up 3 sheets of paper like you would a letter and take one of those tiny zip lock bags and throw 5 seeds in it and put it between the paper and stuff it in the envelope. Can you tell there are seeds in there by feeling it? That's pretty stealthy for the most part for just a few seeds. FYI I just got 50 seeds from Canada shipped in a plain envelope just like I described.

So unless it is really poorly packaged or the seed bank put a note on the package "Marijuana Seeds Inside - Check ME!!!" then all packages are pretty stealthy. Just depends on how they are checking.

My 2 cents...
