Who will be the Republican challenger in 2012?


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is not really a republican, he describes himself as a Libertarian (which in many people's opinion, is closer to the true republican ideology than the modern republican party).

If Ron Paul were to run as a republican, he'd have a very hard time finding a credible running mate.
No he describes himself as a libertarian, note the small L.
Republicans have lost there way, Ron Paul is here to remind us of that.
Thank God, or everyone would be rah rah-ing the welfare-warfare state.
BTW now that Obama's in office where is the anti-war left?
Nope only anti-war people now are classical-liberals, libertarians, or Palio-conservatives.

I agree it will be hard for him to find a running mate.
Knowing him he will not compromise like Reagan Did with Bush Sr.
In the Senate DeMint is closest (IMO) in the house its Michelle Bachman.
Hell in 2008 there was even talk of Kisinich running with him.

If I was him it would be Judge Napalitono.
I would want someone even worse then me.
So If they killed me then they would have to deal with him.

Unless the canidate rejects the initiation of force in all government action.
I will not vote for him/her.
Government has already done enouph damage to the people and nation.
It needs to be cut in half then cut in half again.

Either way who ever takes over in 2012 will have one hell of a mess to clean up.
16 trillion in debt.
A government with no money and little credit.
Afganistan occupation.
60-100 trillion in obligations.
10% unemployment (more like 18%)
Whatever God aweful healthcare BS they sadle us all with.
A declining currency.
And a whole nation of people crying "give us Socialism!"
That will spell the end of the US.


Well-Known Member
you nailed that right on the head man.... nothing to disagree with there

I havent gotten to that movie yet.. i have finals all this week and prob wont get to it till next..


Well-Known Member
Hey Peach ...

This would make an interesting topic for a new thread. Would you start the thread and tell us why a return to metal backing would be a disaster? Thanks ... :)
I'm not going that far, my reasoning is though. With all the debt we owe to say China for example, If they were to say they will only accept gold instead of dollars, than the Government would be put in a pickle;-), Would they confescate again:confused: to be able to bail the Country out of the world markets?


Well-Known Member
No they wouldn't be in a pickle.
Contracts and such being what they are.
They can't just switch our crap on us.

We need to do what Ron Paul proposed intoduce competing currencies.
Let people opt out of the Dollar while we have the chance.


New Member
If I was him it would be Judge Napalitono.
I would want someone even worse then me.
So If they killed me then they would have to deal with him.
Judge Andrew Napolitano rocks! Why isn't he on the U.S. Supreme Court where he surely belongs?

Portrait of an American patriot:



Well-Known Member
No they wouldn't be in a pickle.
Contracts and such being what they are.
They can't just switch our crap on us.

We need to do what Ron Paul proposed intoduce competing currencies.
Let people opt out of the Dollar while we have the chance.
We would be in a Pickle:-P, I like cheap stuff from china, microwaves, stereos, etc...we sold out our technology, Manufacturing, medical bases a long time ago,,,why would I pay 500$ for a microwave made in the USA,,cause that's about what it would be IMO.


Well-Known Member
not excatly.... a microwave from china cost 20 bucks... if made here it would be 50 bucks but that would give us more money in our pockets and therefore it would be easier to obtain... in the long run that would drop our minum wage, the price of rent, and the price of consumer goods...

your way = buying from china and walmart which sucks the money out of our local economy and sends it to other countries/ big corporations... in the long run it makes it harder to obtain even a cheap appliance because our money has been drained

We would be in a Pickle:-P, I like cheap stuff from china, microwaves, stereos, etc...we sold out our technology, Manufacturing, medical bases a long time ago,,,why would I pay 500$ for a microwave made in the USA,,cause that's about what it would be IMO.


Well-Known Member
ive never heard of this competing currency theory... got any videos or info on it? sounds interesting to say the least

No they wouldn't be in a pickle.
Contracts and such being what they are.
They can't just switch our crap on us.

We need to do what Ron Paul proposed intoduce competing currencies.
Let people opt out of the Dollar while we have the chance.


Well-Known Member
not excatly.... a microwave from china cost 20 bucks... if made here it would be 50 bucks but that would give us more money in our pockets and therefore it would be easier to obtain... in the long run that would drop our minum wage, the price of rent, and the price of consumer goods...

your way = buying from china and walmart which sucks the money out of our local economy and sends it to other countries/ big corporations... in the long run it makes it harder to obtain even a cheap appliance because our money has been drained
Could you give me a American company in America willing to sell you anything cheaper. You cannot find that. Supply and demand. The US can not supply the demand we sold out a long time ago. The US is in Debt with the world, and the world is in Trouble if we fail...That's a simple Reality, Not alway's domestic, Our Government, has world wide interests, along with Fedral, State, Local, etc...A civil war is not the solution, coming together and fixing the problem is:peace:


New Member
But, who will run:joint: in 2012.
Who cares. They are all a bunch of crybabies and lying bastards. It really won't matter. Who ever runs will be defeated by Obamarama. Mark my words. You have the "Birthers", the "deathers", and all sorts of lying scumbags. Their attitudes will come to haunt them in 2012. Myself, I hope it is that rediculous Palin. She will get about 3 million votes, all those idiot right wing base jobs from south of the Mason/Dixon line, people blinded by ignorance and religion.


New Member
^^^ Obama is dead meat. He has surrounded himself with Chicago thugs. Obama clearly said: "Judge me by those whom I surround myself with." Independents have jumped the Obama ship ... and they were the ones that got him elected. They've realized that Obama ran as a centrist, then once elected, he turned left of Lenin. I can see why Obama is your guy though Med-'O-Mao.


Active Member
Ron Paul is the only good honest politician alive. everything he says makes sense concerning the size of government and the idiocy of the federal reserve


Well-Known Member
^^^ Obama is dead meat. He has surrounded himself with Chicago thugs. Obama clearly said: "Judge me by those whom I surround myself with." Independents have jumped the Obama ship ... and they were the ones that got him elected. They've realized that Obama ran as a centrist, then once elected, he turned left of Lenin. I can see why Obama is your guy though Med-'O-Mao.
No Vi, you are. There is no chance in hell or a republican winning in 2010 or 2012. Mark MY words. :evil:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about the man. And what I say does not represent how I feel about him/his party.

But on a completely physical level, that man screams "I am a Lawyer."

I'm pretty fed up with politicians especially the Washington D.C. variety, but Judge Napolitano would be a better candidate than most. I dare say he wouldn't stand in the way of liberty, owning your own body etc.