Who Will Be President in 2016?


Active Member
In my opinion, it's a foregone conclusion that Obama will win reelection in 2012. Just my opinion.

So, who do you think will win the presidency in 2016?

Hillary Clinton? Will she even run?

Would Joe Biden consider running?

What about Bobby Jindal (governor of Louisiana)? Santorum? Ron Paul?

And I guess Sarah Palin will at least test the waters to see if she has a chance.

Anybody else?

What do you think?


Active Member
Why Dictator Barrack Hussein Obama II of course. We will be under martial law by then and he will most certainly be guaranteed the throne


Well-Known Member
I hear that another foreign born Muslim is in the making;-) and this one was born in Iraq and Iran ( right one the border )

desert dude

Well-Known Member
In my opinion, it's a foregone conclusion that Obama will win reelection in 2012. Just my opinion.

So, who do you think will win the presidency in 2016?

Hillary Clinton? Will she even run?

Would Joe Biden consider running?

What about Bobby Jindal (governor of Louisiana)? Santorum? Ron Paul?

And I guess Sarah Palin will at least test the waters to see if she has a chance.

Anybody else?

What do you think?
I think it will be Arnold Schwarznegger.

Arnold's mother, Sarah Slobotnik, was Jewish and slinging a big "fuck you" to her dad, the noted New Your Rabbi, Heimi Slobotnik, and his father was Josef Goebbels who was taking a vacation from building a replica Third Reich torture chamber in rural Argentina.

I am pretty sure Arnold was born in Hawaii, although there is speculation that his birth actually took place at Auschwitz with David Duke in attendance as mid-wife.


Active Member
I think it will be Arnold Schwarznegger.

Arnold's mother, Sarah Slobotnik, was Jewish and slinging a big "fuck you" to her dad, the noted New Your Rabbi, Heimi Slobotnik, and his father was Josef Goebbels who was taking a vacation from building a replica Third Reich torture chamber in rural Argentina.

I am pretty sure Arnold was born in Hawaii, although there is speculation that his birth actually took place at Auschwitz with David Duke in attendance as mid-wife.
Now that's hilarious. Good job. :)

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Young Arnold spent his formative years in Austria studying in the Aryan Music Conservatory. Arnold's mother, Sarah, was a great music lover although not particularly talented herself, but doted on Arnold endlessly.

She would often say to Arnold, in a cooing voice, "you'll be just like Johan Sebastian Bach", to which young Arnold would reply, "I'll be Bach". This phrase has been misinterpreted by American audiences to be, "I'll be back", which at first annoyed Arnold, but, after recognizing its value as a catch-phrase Arnold stayed mum on its origins and quietly dropped his musical aspirations.

His mother was crest-fallen that Arnold would not pursue music but she came to recognize it as the right decision after Arnold accidentally crushed several violins and one cello by gripping them too tightly. Arnold's accidental discovery of his super-human strength eventually led him to a much different career in the gay body building community. His father, Josef, was quietly proud of his super-human son and opened a gay bath house in Punta Gorda.


Active Member
Young Arnold spent his formative years in Austria studying in the Aryan Music Conservatory. Arnold's mother, Sarah, was a great music lover although not particularly talented herself, but doted on Arnold endlessly.

She would often say to Arnold, in a cooing voice, "you'll be just like Johan Sebastian Bach", to which young Arnold would reply, "I'll be Bach". This phrase has been misinterpreted by American audiences to be, "I'll be back", which at first annoyed Arnold, but, after recognizing its value as a catch-phrase Arnold stayed mum on its origins and quietly dropped his musical aspirations.

His mother was crest-fallen that Arnold would not pursue music but she came to recognize it as the right decision after Arnold accidentally crushed several violins and one cello by gripping them too tightly. Arnold's accidental discovery of his super-human strength eventually led him to a much different career in the gay body building community. His father, Josef, was quietly proud of his super-human son and opened a gay bath house in Punta Gorda.
More, please...:):):)


Well-Known Member
russ feingold, hillary clinton, or elizabeth warren on the left.

mike huckabee, chris christie, or the romney's VP loser on the right.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
russ feingold, hillary clinton, or elizabeth warren on the left.

mike huckabee, chris christie, or the romney's VP loser on the right.
It would be a hoot to see Elizabeth Warren run in 2016! "Cherokee Nation" could be her official campaign song! MSNBC could air endless reruns of F Troop to show their solidarity with her diversity. They could do dinner fund raisers where they serve, "Pow Wow Chow" taken from her family recipe book. She could do a talk show titled, "Ask an Injun". That would be a truly epic Democratic campaign.


Active Member
It would be a hoot to see Elizabeth Warren run in 2016! "Cherokee Nation" could be her official campaign song! MSNBC could air endless reruns of F Troop to show their solidarity with her diversity. They could do dinner fund raisers where they serve, "Pow Wow Chow" taken from her family recipe book. She could do a talk show titled, "Ask an Injun". That would be a truly epic Democratic campaign.
Oh yeah she would do great. Maybe we can have a Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2016 aka another bailout


Undercover Mod
Hillary Clinton 2016 She is being groomed as secretary of state and may even get VP in upcoming election. We will see.

She is gaining all the experience she was touted for not having in 2008


Active Member
I would like to be President of the United States.

If you vote for me all of your wildest dreams will come true.
But would you give me government money so that I would be able to sit here on my ass, with a nice fat check waiting for me in the mailbox after a long, hard walk every Friday afternoon...?


Active Member
Hillary Clinton 2016 She is being groomed as secretary of state and may even get VP in upcoming election. We will see.

She is gaining all the experience she was touted for not having in 2008
You may be right, if we can have a Muslim Kenyan as president, we sure as hell can have a Female Reptilian Shape-shifter that loves Wal-Mart Lmao