Who wants to play this fun guessing game? (pics) what's going on here?


Well-Known Member
Strain: Afghani in veg, 36 days from seed
Soil: Sunshine Organic with added worm castings
Pots: 5 gallon/18-20 liter
Light: 400w MH
Nutrients: Alaska 5-1-1/Grotek Cal-Max 2-0-0/Epsom Salts
Foliar Spray: Neem Oil

So he noticed this before he began feeding them a week and a half ago, it still happening. He thought it might have been or still is a magnesium or calcium deficiency? The leaves affected are brittle and crumble to the touch. So what do you guys think it is and what should be done to solve this problem? What are your thoughts and questions? Debate!



Well-Known Member
The 3rd pick shows a relatively healthy plant next to the affected one which is bottom left.


Active Member
It doesnt look like a deficiency, so I would guess it's your neem. Magnesium def shows itself as an interveinal chlorosis on the lower leaves. What I think you have are crispy leaves that looks like they got sprayed when the lights were on.


Well-Known Member
Nope, the problem appeared before I sprayed neem and I did so after lights out. The fans were on so moisture quickly evaporated from the leaves long before the lights went on.


Well-Known Member
God i'm good!lol! No it could be other things as well, now is a chance to correct any mistakes and the ferts. Post pics of recovery so future growers might use it for reference. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Ph police...ah nice to meet you.(turns and barfs)
And I though it was a little nute burn. Well ya learn something new every day.


New Member
Looks like a phosphorus deficency too me. View attachment 1684212 Not underferted, fert ratios out of balance. 3-1-2 for veg 2-1-3 for flower...good thing the OP titled it a 'guessing game'...oh ya, I am not guessing. Answered based on both the pictures and information included.


Well-Known Member
I didnt know it was underferted but just looked that way, yer phosphorous def up the P and K. Ph and phosphorous looked the same to me till i got my pH sorted and then knew that i was underfeeding my plants, i seen this before recently but hard to realise it is underfeeding. Bottom leaf problems seem to mean underfeeding even if they do look like they are burning. Peace


New Member
I think if you all would do a bit more research on the pH ranges of availabilty of the different elements I bet you would be surprised at the elements that are most finicky. And what a broad range most of them have. Only a deficency of these few picky elements really calls for any concern when it comes to pH. If you run into a deficency of one of the many that are easily available more often than not its not lock out/up, just lacking the balance in your diet. Dont make it harder than it really is, a little knowledge goes a long way when it comes to growing a plant as easy as cannabis.


Well-Known Member
If you already know what the problem is ika667, why would you post a thread asking others opinions!? Thats what most human beings would call being condescending and that my friend is what you are!
Now, if you don't mind being wrong once in your life, you won't mind me saying that you have a serious heat problem...mixed in with high humidity. You mentioned that moisture was being evaporated when you shut off your lights when you sprayed them with neem oil. And what bug problem did you have that you needed neem oil, shit that stuff is potent and is probably one of many factors that is causing you plants to basically commit suicide! The other issue you've got goin on is you're using aluminum foil for a reflective surface....Just dumb if you ask any veteran counterculturist! Its like taking a magnifying glass to your plants, you're "in essence" cooking the fragile cell membranes right out of the leaves! Take that shit down and replace it with a couple coats of flat white paint or if you have money, Mylar insulation...your aluminum foil is, again, turning your grow space into an oven!
Just good, honest advice...take it or leave it but I promise you that if you choose the latter you will end up with nothing!


Well-Known Member
I think if you all would do a bit more research on the pH ranges of availabilty of the different elements I bet you would be surprised at the elements that are most finicky. And what a broad range most of them have. Only a deficency of these few picky elements really calls for any concern when it comes to pH. If you run into a deficency of one of the many that are easily available more often than not its not lock out/up, just lacking the balance in your diet. Dont make it harder than it really is, a little knowledge goes a long way when it comes to growing a plant as easy as cannabis.
Cranky old git!lol!

Hows it going dude, you saying its not underfed? PH is all important but would assume pH or overferted if ferts made it worse. I get some trace element defs but liquid seaweed always clears them up, boron deficiency on the top leaves of my bud seems an easy one to distinguish and just means i have underfed through flowering.

Still indebted to you for the pH info dude, i rarely have a problem thesedays and my runoff is always 6.5 recently, main thing i changed apart from the lime is adding 30 percent perlite to the soil, works wonders and getting some very fast growing plants at the moment. I have decided to stay with the organic ferts and at the moment am finding it hard to overfeed and plants seem to require the ferts and seaweed with most waterings, just waiting to see if my plants need a flush with all the ferts but they seem good. Peace


Well-Known Member
If you already know what the problem is ika667, why would you post a thread asking others opinions!? Thats what most human beings would call being condescending and that my friend is what you are!
Now, if you don't mind being wrong once in your life, you won't mind me saying that you have a serious heat problem...mixed in with high humidity. You mentioned that moisture was being evaporated when you shut off your lights when you sprayed them with neem oil. And what bug problem did you have that you needed neem oil, shit that stuff is potent and is probably one of many factors that is causing you plants to basically commit suicide! The other issue you've got goin on is you're using aluminum foil for a reflective surface....Just dumb if you ask any veteran counterculturist! Its like taking a magnifying glass to you plants leaves, your "in essence" cooking the fragile cell membranes right out of the leaves! Take that shit down and replace it with a couple coats of flat white paint or if you have money, Mylar insulation...your aluminum foil is, again, turning your grow space into an oven!
Just good, honest advice...take it or leave it but I promise you that if you take the latter you will end up with nothing!
Chill dude, he may have ferted a few days in advance and only just getting the results but not before he posted this thread in panic!lol!