who thinks there going to legalize pot?


Active Member
anybody and everybody meaning
do u think in nov it will be actualy
legal for people that dont have med
lic for them to smoke and purchase
pot in cali
I think yes....there is a huge amount of support for legalisation but its the status quo that is sticking....plus alot of corrupt politicians that take back handers from alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical companies are not going to be in a rush to legalise but its a matter of time.
Also i think these days thanks to the internet people have instant access to objective information about cannabis...people no longer have to swallow the goverments BULLSHIT and LIES like all that crap they spread in the 60`s and 70`s that cannabis will turn you into crazed rapist with sperm stains on your pants!
Its only a matter of time i think but im no expert on politics and thats just my opinion....fingers crossed but untill prohibition ends make hey while the sun shines :bigjoint:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i think it is only time. the cycles coming abck to it's origins. i know a lot of active political types, the kids who campaigned for every chair at uni etc etc, the ones who will be jockying for a spot int he govt, and well, every one of these people knows and fully apreciates the real issues and non-issues behind pot, as opposed to the excuses given to us for the need to criminalize it.

and even older people these days that i speak to, really have no issue with it whatsoever, they can accept that there really are positive outcomes and that it's not this demon the govt pretends it is.

i was speaking with my mother over lunch last week, and she for all her life has been anti smoking, and when i told her about pot a few years back, she has never been able to accept that myself or my brother smoke it, so we were chatting, andi asked her to jsutify just why she feels the need to get on my case about it, and at the end of the day, her ONLY opposition to it was that she hated to see anyone inhaling smoke. nothing more but the inhalation of smoke and how harmful it is. i told her i'd pick up a vape if that was her worry and she was more than happy with the suggestion

just a matter of time :) we won't have fucking gordon brown or bloody david cameron around for much longer! cameron doesn't want a split govt? then offer us weed! :D


Well-Known Member
Are they trying to pass/revoke a law in Nov?
In the November elections, in the state of California only (sorry for the rest of you!), there is a Bill to be voted on. I'm sorry, I don't know the correct terminology - but anyway. It would actually LEGALIZE CANNABIS in California, the same way gambling is legal in Nevada.

A few main points about the Bill, information from California NORML:
1. It applies to those 21 years or older (several restrictions apply, all similar to alcohol restrictions).
2. Still a few reasonable restrictions about public use and around minors / schools.
3. Individual cities have the right to accept or reject "public sales", and also control the taxation and proceedure for sales.
4. Private (not for profit) growing is allowed:
A. 25 sq. ft. of growing space (no mention of plant #'s).
B. No tax for home growers!
5. Permitted to carry 1 ounce on your person (amount of "Stash", stored away - not mentioned!).
It may not pass this year but it will soon. The prison industry will put up a lot of money to fight it, if it passes they will be getting a lot less inmates coming in which will mean a lot less money coming in.


Well-Known Member
All the information I have seen so far, indicate that this Bill will be "favorably recieved" by well over 50% of the California voters (including me!).

Many cities, across the state, will now be able to take in cash revenues on legitimately taxed cannabis sales - instead of throwing money away on that ridiculous "Pot War". Since the indevidual cities are in control of "Sales" and "Taxing", I'm sure they are smelling "fresh money" during these times of financial hardships. I'll take anything I can get, if it reduces the opposition!


Active Member
Here is a link to a video on youtube for those who have not seen it where Obama (when he was a senetor) claims he supports decriminalisation of cannabis and says the war on drugs has failed


Since being voted president he has changed his mind though. Politicians for ya :joint:


Active Member
Do it now!!! Think about all the children who would benefit... Parents that don't get angry, teachers that don't give out tests. I think we should make a holiday. How about Happy Day April 20th. Everybody cooks weed treats and hand them out? New marketing idea. Can't wait for the legalization party.


Active Member
QUOTE "i was speaking with my mother over lunch last week, and she for all her life has been anti smoking, and when i told her about pot a few years back, she has never been able to accept that myself or my brother smoke it, so we were chatting, andi asked her to jsutify just why she feels the need to get on my case about it, and at the end of the day, her ONLY opposition to it was that she hated to see anyone inhaling smoke. nothing more but the inhalation of smoke and how harmful it is. i told her i'd pick up a vape if that was her worry and she was more than happy with the suggestion" END QUOTE

I told a new friend of mine that i enjoy smoking cannabis now and then and he was shocked...said he has a serious issue with cannabis. I asked why but he did not want to have a debate on the matter...eventually he told me that it was because it was that it smells bad!! I mean i dont like the smell of mushrooms but i would never look down my nose at someone for eating a mushroom!! Needless to say we are no longer friends bongsmilie