Who said Money cannot buy happiness.


New Member


Well-Known Member
It remind of a Bo Derek Quote "Whoever said that money can't buy happiness, simply didn't know where to go shopping"


Well-Known Member
What a helluva DWC I see in the making here. Pump already there. pH control system. Yep. Cover that glass to keep it dark and away we go.


Well-Known Member
money can buy me hookers. and hookers make me happy. therefore money can buy me happiness.


Well-Known Member
With more money comes more problems, mon has seen this...... Mon has a family member with over 800 million and stacking... Yeh he gots his own priv jet, owns a casino in LV, owns a law firm, owns more cars, trucks, jags and rovers, limmos and boats than mon can count. Lives in a mansion, live in maids,live in gardeners, owns his own steakhouse anyhow the list goes on and on.......

This family member is NOT happy, he now see everyone and everything as a leech, every woman is just lust and money not trus love........even his own family, he done went nuts because of every problem was money money money, even family help, help, help, help and in the end he is just a old man with a butt load of money but now his wife and kids and family is GONE....yeah they all got mad $$$ and NOBODY LIKES EACH OTHER and all the kids are ungrateful spoiled brats...if you call that happy "ok"

As long as mon has his health, a roof over his head, sum food, sum dank dank dank....mon all good.

P.S. if you took money it came with conditions....he owned your ass, been there done that.........no thx

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
No amount of money could surmount to the amount of happiness the relationships with my friends and family gives me. Money is cool, don't get me wrong, it can get you lots of cool stuff and take you to places you've never been before... but without the people around you care about and that care about you, it's worth nothing. Imo.


New Member
Money could make me happily easy. And solve most of my problems. Shit I could buy my mom her own huse. my dad a fully restored 57 t bird, have money in the bank, never stress over bills ever again, eat healthier, freedom to do as you please, own a kickass house as pictured in the link, i could go on and on. Oh but if you're looking for true love, than I would not let them know you have a lot of money until you trust eachother and are in love.


Well-Known Member
Money could make me happily easy. And solve most of my problems. Shit I could buy my mom her own huse. my dad a fully restored 57 t bird, have money in the bank, never stress over bills ever again, eat healthier, freedom to do as you please, own a kickass house as pictured in the link, i could go on and on. Oh but if you're looking for true love, than I would not let them know you have a lot of money until you trust eachother and are in love.
if this were true.. then why do celebs.. who have all the fame fortune and yada yada... off themselves?

There was a study done on tribal societies which came to the conclusion that the people who basically lived off the land.. are no more or no less happy.. then people who are in the grid..

I have a very negative look on money as former debt collector.. money.. comes and goes.. money can solve some problems.. but so does time..

people live up to what they make.. lets say you are making 3k a month.. and like the majority you are living paycheck to paycheck.. you are thinking.. Heck a raise would be great.. you get one.. at this point.. your bills are the same.. pay increased..

then you think..... well I always wanted to get me this.. and then you go out and purchase it make payments on it.. etc..

you dont need money to eat healthier either... I have always seen money as an item which causes more issues then solves..

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I don't think money makes everyone happy, you have to be healthy and have someone to share it with if I didn't have these to things I would rather be poor.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
mylady makes me happy and NO MONEY can buy you that
that is a beautiful home though I admit...but if you have no one who truly loves you to enjoy it with then it is just a pretty prison