Who of you found your religion from nothing?


Well-Known Member
I would say this is technically not true because the dichotomy is between belief or not instead of existence or not. You either have a belief in the existence of a god or your don't. You do not have to believe god does not exist to be an atheist. IOW, the answer to "do you believe?" is either yes or no, where the 'no' answer can range from anything from "I disbelieve" to "I'm not yet convinced."
Sorry, maybe I wasn't as clear as I had originally thought. I was referring to the existence of a belief, or no existence of a belief. There is no in-between state for beliefs. They have to either exist or not exist.


Well-Known Member
well, some mystics say, we are all one, god is everything and we are god.

every time you talk with someone, you are talking with yourself, everytime you are fucking someone, you are fucking yourself, everytime you are good and bad, you are good and bad to yourself.

now that would be the ultimate joke, i suppose.
Yeah karma is good if you can recognize it....the good karmalization of course....the bad sheee sux.


Well-Known Member
though, since according to that, you are everything and everyone, i guess you would be the bitch :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah karma's a bitch sometimes!
oh totally, but you get what you give, so it works the other way around too :)

(As in, being really nice to strangers is not always going to work out, but giving love to a tiny kitten will mean you gets lots of cuddles and kisses in the future and now :))


Well-Known Member
oh totally, but you get what you give, so it works the other way around too :)

(As in, being really nice to strangers is not always going to work out, but giving love to a tiny kitten will mean you gets lots of cuddles and kisses in the future and now :))
Probably why it's better to be straight-up a$$hole then eh. Cause if you reap bad from good things, why should you continue to do good? People are people. You never know what kind of day the other person is having.

A good instance: I had made a point to myself before I went to the store, to print out 3 extra 50% percent off any 1 item coupon to give to the lil kitties in this store I was going to right, you think I got kisses or hugs back. No. I wanted to conduct a social experiment to see who would take the coupons......nobody even wanted to talk to me, or take this folded piece of paper from my hand, until I told them what it was that I was giving them.....even after that 2 out of 3 utterly refused. But I wouldn't let them give it back. And they accepted it, and I walked off.

See, there I go doing wacko things waitin' for that karma to kick in oh yeah! What a crazy psycho I am omg. I bet some don't even have a clue as to what kindness is besides petting the kitten.


Well-Known Member

  • but giving love to a tiny kitten will mean you gets lots of cuddles and kisses in the future and now

so i guess i wont be getting any cuddles, lol... i hate cats man,,, i think its a genetic trait


Well-Known Member
Ya I'm allergic to longhairs myself. Shorthairs are alright though, and I don't sneeze too bad. For some reason I want to get a cat now!


Active Member
very thought provoking thread :) I read the OP's original question basically as-- What stimulates religious thought? I find the following theory very interesting: Terrance McKenna --a psychedelic botanist, writer and lecturer, theorizes that the evolution of the human mind was stimulated by naturally occurring psychedelic substances found in nature ie. mushrooms. His idea is that primitive man stumbled upon some mushrooms, ate them and tripped and as a result began to see the world in a different way-- I have to say that in my own experience with psychedelics this idea has a lot of resonance--I have had many potent mind expanding insights--I would even say religious experiences while tripping. So the idea of primitive man having this experience accidentally and then coming up with the idea of God to try and explain it is really fascinating to me.