Who likes to experiment, rooted clones straight from the plant?

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Hi there folks I'm new to the forum but I,ve done a bit of growing over the years, I thought I'd share this given the opportunity to actually talk about growing.

I've done this successfully with a flowering plant but I can't say categorically it'll work with veg, but It almost goes without saying it'll work the same, failing that at least you'll know how to tame leggy plants.
I done this with the main stem but again imo it almost goes without saying it'll work the same with a clone stem?

Take a root riot or rock wool cube with the appropriate nutrient and put a spilt in it so that you can wrap it around the selected stem.
Wrap the cube with a strip of cling film to prevent it drying out.
Then take a piece of tie wire and put around the stem below the cube and tighten a bit by twisting, the aim is to restrict the flow to above the choke not cut it off.

I tried for years to get a branch to root and never could until I choked the flow.
I believe just folding the stem would work but the only one I can categorically say works is described above iirc roots were showing within two weeks.

The plant I managed to crack it with was basically cut in two with both top and bottom rooted and both sides produced almost equal bud, the truth be told I didn't weigh it but they were two equal looking plants at the end up.

This sounds ridiculous I know but I have wondered what would've happened if I'd cut the top with the roots still on the bottom half and planted both ends
I suspect not much?

Cheers SD
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T macc

Well-Known Member
I'm confused. Are you saying root a branch, and the cut above the roots to have a bare stem?

The cloning method OP is describing is air-layering, for those wondering. It's not common practice on this forum, but seems fool proof.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Ah air layering so that's what it's called thank you, I've never had the luxury of being able to talk to others about growing :thumbs: :-) thanks chaps.

@T macc if you imagine a tall leggy plant, if you wrap a 3" rock wool cube around the stem half way up it will root, you can then cut under the roots and your tall plant turns into two rooted plants at half the size, and no you don't need to bare the stem just wrap it and choke/throttle the stem :thumbs:.
I'm not suggesting using a 3" for a clone I'll use a 1/1.5" cube or a root riot plug.

I'm around 8 days into flipping and I don't have a single clone for the next crop I'm ashamed to say, I've 9 all in I don't have much time to look after them, so I've been thinking about taking at least one from each plant, I'd be annoyed if the blackberry turns out to be delicious and me not having kept any of the genetics?
I've been contemplating just filling a 1.5 gallon/6 ltr pot with coco and putting 9 cuts into just one big pot? whatever I'm going to have to get a move on! I'm 7/8 days into 12/12
I know that sounds lazy but the novelty has worn off a little, I've been growing on and off for just short of 30 years, also I've had a back injury and that can make the simplest of jobs difficult, that hurts in more ways than one, I've got a perfectionists trait and not being able to do it 100% doesn't sit right with me.
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Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Update... Rooted!
A few more days for root formation would have been useful however it's only a pointless exercise but I enjoy the tinkering ;-)
It just needs left to grow now, I'll update the post in future.
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