who here smokes bud, and doesn't drink or smoke cigs?


Well-Known Member
I always get asked "why do you smoke weed if you don't drink alcohol". :roll:

and I don't understand smoking cigarettes, and bud. or smoking cigs at all really. :leaf:

so who smokes, but doesn't drink or smoke cigs? i like my vices to be straight from the earth, no processing. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I smoke bud, sometimes drink beers. and i can't stand cigarettes...

I try to stick to the naturals. You stay healthier that way!


Well-Known Member
I only drink on weekends unless on vacation but I hate ciggs quit cold turkey and never looked back


Active Member
Same deal here. Drinking is a waste of braincells that could have been used for better things like getting baked and living.


Well-Known Member
there's something about drinking that I don't like. whenever one of my friends say "dude let's drink!!" and my other friends follow his lead, I always feel uncomfrotable. I guess i just don't like drunk people lol. whenever I tell people I don't drink they think I'm joking too. in fact, me and one of my friends were just having a conversation about this. that's weird...

and ciggs....I've always been tempted to smoke one, but again, it just isn't my thing really. I don't care when my friends smoke them though.


Well-Known Member
I smoke but I hate getting drunk. I don't like the idea of not having self control, people make bad decisions while they're drunk. Can't help but look like a fool after you drink, I'm into having like 2-3 beers and chilling.

I also don't like smoking cigarettes. I could never enjoy one, ever.


Well-Known Member
I've never had a single puff of a cig to this day, and never intend to.

I do however smoke weed everyday for the last year or so...give or take a week.

I drink on most weekends. I had a roomate last year who didnt drink, he was always one of my fav guys to party with!! and not just for the ride home. most of our parties were here anyways...

I suspect my habits are usual of college students...at least with my tiny circle of friends


Well-Known Member
Ciggs suck and i hate finding them in my ashtrays. I drink but I do not get drunk, must matain strait head all the time.