Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?


Well-Known Member
Who gives a fuck how old he was when the Civil Rights movement started? This whole argument that he is a racist, or a bigot or whatever you want to characterize him as, is WEAK SAUCE!!!!! He has explained his stance on the role of the federal govt. as it pertains to civil rights. It is consistent with his small govt./libertarian views. If that is the ONLY reason people can find to not vote for him, well then, I guess we can expect more of the "same ol' same ol'". AWESOME!!!!!!:clap::roll:


New Member
I honestly propose that SisterMaryElephant be banned from the forums for trolling and spamming, not because its anti ron paul stuff because I could care less, but because of the following reasons:

1) Not a grower or regular here and probably doesn't even smoke
2) is only here to spam, harrass, and intimidate
3) uses hate speach in every post and name-calling
4) Uses entire posts that are just copy/paste (spamming)


New Member
I honestly propose that SisterMaryElephant be banned from the forums for trolling and spamming, not because its anti ron paul stuff because I could care less, but because of the following reasons:

1) Not a grower or regular here and probably doesn't even smoke
2) is only here to spam, harrass, and intimidate
3) uses hate speach in every post and name-calling
4) Uses entire posts that are just copy/paste (spamming)
Well Deprave, I certainly am no fan of trolls and to be honest I wish he/she/they would all just go away. But I have to quote a famous politician who said "I may not agree with what you say. But, I will defend to the death your right too say it" If we truly want a free America we must abide by all of it's founded principles.


Active Member
I honestly propose that SisterMaryElephant be banned from the forums for trolling and spamming, not because its anti ron paul stuff because I could care less, but because of the following reasons:

1) Not a grower or regular here and probably doesn't even smoke
2) is only here to spam, harrass, and intimidate
3) uses hate speach in every post and name-calling
4) Uses entire posts that are just copy/paste (spamming)

See how desperate lying Ron "the bigot" Paul supporters are? Talk about "trolling" pot/kettle/black :roll:


Well-Known Member
WTF Ron Paul was 30 when the Civil Rights act of 64 took place...
Is that when the civil rights movement started? Because that is the statement that was made, not when the civil rights act was signed. The Civil rights movement didn't start the same day they signed it into law, it pretty much started in 1948. Read more carefully next time. BTW Welcome back, missed you , but not in a Carne Seca way.


Active Member
Do you think anyone cares what a letter that starts off with "Comrades" and ends with "American National Socialist Workers Party" says...The crap in between filled with conjecture and the connecting of dots that shouldn't be connected. It is also a strawman argument and a conspiracy theory..Think for yourself Man!
Yeah, since it proves me right about your hero, Ron "the bigot" Paul I can see why you'd whine and cry. You don;'t have to LIKE the truth but you can't change it by trying to make it about me. That might work in your high school but not in the real world.


New Member
Yeah, since it proves me right about your hero, Ron "the bigot" Paul I can see why you'd whine and cry. You don;'t have to LIKE the truth but you can't change it by trying to make it about me. That might work in your high school but not in the real world.
As I said...
  • The crap in between filled with conjecture and the connecting of dots that shouldn't be connected. It is also a strawman argument and a conspiracy theory..Think for yourself Man!​

If you take that for "truth" your a moron.


I am not crying or whining...I am laughing at your ass...its pretty hilarious if you really believe this stuff...I really give you more credit then that..I don't think any human being is actually that retarded and at the same time capable of navigating vBulletin...so I think you have some kind of agenda. It is to push peoples buttons, the very definition of trolling. Copy/Pasting walls of text is also a practice commonly known as spamming. So you are guilty of attempted harrasment, spamming, and trolling. All of which I believe are against forum rules, again, not that I care or that I am upset but mainly just annoyed by your presense here because your intention is to cause trouble and you registered solely for that purpose.


Well-Known Member
As I said...
  • The crap in between filled with conjecture and the connecting of dots that shouldn't be connected. It is also a strawman argument and a conspiracy theory..Think for yourself Man!​

If you take that for "truth" your a moron.


I am not crying or whining...I am laughing at your ass...its pretty hilarious if you really believe this stuff...you need serious help

you can't call someone a moron and then misspell "you're" in the same sentence.

now call me a spelling nazi. :)


Active Member
As I said...
  • The crap in between filled with conjecture and the connecting of dots that shouldn't be connected. It is also a strawman argument and a conspiracy theory..Think for yourself Man!​

If you take that for "truth" your a moron.


I am not crying or whining...I am laughing at your ass...its pretty hilarious if you really believe this stuff...I really give you more credit then that..I don't think any human being is actually that retarded...so I think you have some kind of agenda.

Denial isn't a river in Egypt, kid. I said that Ron "the bigot" Paul will NEVER be President and his OWN words back me up.

I said that he's a bigot and I've provided *multiple* sources that back me up. Too bad you fanatics have NOTHING but denials and lies... :D

Too funny...

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
you all deserve a gold star and a pat on the back, congratulations you made a prediction that may or may not come true

lets find out how many people believe te same thing as me so i can feel good about how me and all these other people are thinking the same thing, and looking at the same sky . . . . . .lmao

and i need attention and i need validation from others to feel good about things that dont matter(future events that will undoubtedly change nothing)


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't have such a hard on against ron paul if not for the complete worship of his supporters.


Active Member
you all deserve a gold star and a pat on the back, congratulations you made a prediction that may or may not come true

lets find out how many people believe te same thing as me so i can feel good about how me and all these other people are thinking the same thing, and looking at the same sky . . . . . .lmao

and i need attention and i need validation from others to feel good about things that dont matter(future events that will undoubtedly change nothing)
Tell me that you REALLY believe that Ron "the bigot" Paul will be nominated and then win the general election.

Please. :D

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i wouldn't have such a hard on against ron paul if not for the complete worship of his supporters.

wow, you people have no lives living vicariously through the failed opinions and failed ideas of others and all to prove that what you do and think is right

fucking cockroaches man( you know living off the mistakes of others)