Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
We can only partially comprehend the notion of God's existence. To do so, we must use human concepts to speak of God: "without beginning or end"; "eternal"; "infinite", etc. The Bible says that He has always existed: " . . . even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God" (Psalm 90:2). And, "Your throne is established from of old; Thou art from everlasting" (Psalm 93:2). Quite simply, God has no beginning and no end. So, where did God come from? He didn't. He always was. To us, the notion of time is linear. One second follows the next, one minute is after another. We get older, not younger and we cannot repeat the minutes that have passed us by. We have all seen the time lines on charts: early time is on the left and later time is on the right. We see nations, people's lives, and plans mapped out on straight lines from left to right. We see a beginning and an end. But God is "beyond the chart." He has no beginning or end. He simply has always been. Also, physics has shown that time is a property that is the result of the existence of matter. Time exists when matter exists. Time has even been called the fourth dimension. But God is not matter. In fact, God created matter. He created the universe. So, time began when God created the universe. Before that, God was simply existing and time had no meaning (except conceptually), no relation to Him. Therefore, to ask where God came from is to ask a question that cannot really be applied to God in the first place. Because time has no meaning with God in relation to who He is, eternity is also not something that can be absolutely related to God. God is even beyond eternity.
no offence, but this is load of baloney. you're attempting to make an irrashional idea rational, if not in our minds, then on some supernatural greater level that we can't understand.

it is a cop out. because other then an old book of fables, you have no information to verify that this non-linear, irrashional god exists. it ammounts to us taking your word on it, because you've read an old book.

so why dont you believe in any of the other gods of old books? like allah or ramose or ra from the book of the dead? you believe what you believe *probably* because your parents believed it. and your concept of god has as much likelyhood of being correct as any other god now, or from a past civilization.

i day nop offence because i was once in your shoes and heard people tell me these things and never meditated on the possible truths of it all. untill i studied the history of ALL religions and the natural history of all civilizations i never knew how wrong i was.

I was just spitting out the same answers to god questions that they explained to me. is that was you are doing?


Active Member
Because God doesn't push his beliefs on others. He wants you to have faith, hope, and most of all he wants us to love the message he is spreading. If you believe in God you should have 3 things in your life, faith, hope and love. When you get to heaven, you don't need faith because you've seen God, you don't need hope because you now know heaven is real... but you'll always need love. God doesn't want more people to believe in him just because he's there. If he all of a sudden showed up tomorrow, it would eliminate the need for faith and hope because evidence existed. He wants us to spend our lives hoping and having faith that he exists, and in return he will give us life after death. I'm sorry if you think having faith and being gullible are the same things, but that just reflects back upon you your complete lack of knowledge (and faith).
im sorry that you believe in bullshit donnie but your answer to my question made no sense. if god wants us to have faith in him. believe in him. he would show us that he exists. not hide. so yeah no.
Religion is the same thing as santa claus. you believe in it as a child because thats what your parents and society tell you to do but once you realize its not logical you know its fake.


Well-Known Member
I don't think God is that egotistical that he needs everyone to believe in and worship him. He wants that, yes, but doesn't need it. That's why he leaves us to our own freewill. You don't think it is possible at all that this life is just a test to see where you go in the next life? And to make the test work God does not reveal himself to man because then everybody would 'pass' the test. God can't reveal himself to man if he wants to see man's true soul.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
We can only partially comprehend the notion of God's existence. To do so, we must use human concepts to speak of God: "without beginning or end"; "eternal"; "infinite", etc. The Bible says that He has always existed: " . . . even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God" (Psalm 90:2). And, "Your throne is established from of old; Thou art from everlasting" (Psalm 93:2). Quite simply, God has no beginning and no end. So, where did God come from? He didn't. He always was. To us, the notion of time is linear. One second follows the next, one minute is after another. We get older, not younger and we cannot repeat the minutes that have passed us by. We have all seen the time lines on charts: early time is on the left and later time is on the right. We see nations, people's lives, and plans mapped out on straight lines from left to right. We see a beginning and an end. But God is "beyond the chart." He has no beginning or end. He simply has always been. Also, physics has shown that time is a property that is the result of the existence of matter. Time exists when matter exists. Time has even been called the fourth dimension. But God is not matter. In fact, God created matter. He created the universe. So, time began when God created the universe. Before that, God was simply existing and time had no meaning (except conceptually), no relation to Him. Therefore, to ask where God came from is to ask a question that cannot really be applied to God in the first place. Because time has no meaning with God in relation to who He is, eternity is also not something that can be absolutely related to God. God is even beyond eternity.

very well said..

so what good is the mind? what is the mind really good for? is the mind good for anything?

TIME and THOUGHT are synonymous.

Let me repeat that...


ONCE again...

THINKING or THOUGHT actually is the same concept as TIME...

When ONE stops thinking, ONE experiences GOD...

The mind can not comprehend GOD, BUT it can POINT at god..


GOD is that moment between thoughts...

How does ONE experience stillness?

through a "PRACTICE"


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
GOD has NO message!



THERE is no such thing as morality.. morality is MIND... mind is NOTHING except the story between ONE's ears..

There is NO truth in the mind, there is no way to worship SPACE or GOD.


SO then, what is GOD... GOD is SPACE

And how does ONE KNOW GOD is real?

One simply stops thinking, and what ONE has LEFT .. IS GOD... and one will NEVER observe GOD or HEAR GOD, or SMELL GOD... BUT one can "become god".. the same that one BECOMES HAPPY.... or that ONE becomes EXCITED... Once one STOPS thinking.. ONE actually becomes SPACE... becomes STILLNESS...

THIS is GOD...


Well-Known Member
god and santa are the same person cause there both lies
Did your parents lie to you for 15 years that Santa exists? Did you sneak from your room one faithful Christmas eve to see mommy smooching with a suspiciously thin santa who just happened to look identical to your father? All of your comments seem to stem from some repressed and deep seeded psychological trauma involving Santa Claus.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
If this does not make sense to you, then let me ask you this...

Is a CHAIR real?
What is a CHAIR?

A "chair" is a concept.. a made up term to signify somewhere you park your ass.



DO you understand that CONCEPTs are not real? GOD is not real... GOD is a concept..

SO, GOD is WHAT? GOD is something that the mind can not understand... The mind can only understand concepts..

I hope this helps


When ONE experiences GOD, ONE begins to LOVE everything.. BECAUSE, GOD is everything, and EVERYTHING LOVES itself..



Well-Known Member
If this does not make sense to you, then let me ask you this...

Is a CHAIR real?
What is a CHAIR?

A "chair" is a concept.. a made up term to signify somewhere you park your ass.



DO you understand that CONCEPTs are not real? GOD is not real... GOD is a concept..

SO, GOD is WHAT? GOD is something that the mind can not understand... The mind can only understand concepts..

I hope this helps


When ONE experiences GOD, ONE begins to LOVE everything.. BECAUSE, GOD is everything, and EVERYTHING LOVES itself..

Yes, I agree with everything that you said right there. There is no way to understand the concept of God unless you experience Him. In the meantime, all of my thoughts are merely hypothesis. And I'm OK with that.


Well-Known Member
no offence, but this is load of baloney. you're attempting to make an irrashional idea rational, if not in our minds, then on some supernatural greater level that we can't understand.

it is a cop out. because other then an old book of fables, you have no information to verify that this non-linear, irrashional god exists. it ammounts to us taking your word on it, because you've read an old book.

so why dont you believe in any of the other gods of old books? like allah or ramose or ra from the book of the dead? you believe what you believe *probably* because your parents believed it. and your concept of god has as much likelyhood of being correct as any other god now, or from a past civilization.

i day nop offence because i was once in your shoes and heard people tell me these things and never meditated on the possible truths of it all. untill i studied the history of ALL religions and the natural history of all civilizations i never knew how wrong i was.

I was just spitting out the same answers to god questions that they explained to me. is that was you are doing?
I am saying what I say because I believe in God. I don't know why and in all other ventures in life I think for myself. There is something deep inside me that says believe in God and I do because I feel that it is the right thing to do. I have not vigorously studied the concepts behind every religion but then, other religions do not effect me. I don't seek answers that aren't there. I just believe. If that makes me dumb, or misinformed, or naive to everyone else, that's ok. Because anyone who does not believe in God has their own hypothesis which is equally correct or incorrect in comparison to my own beliefs. So no matter how the picture about me is painted, I'm just as correct in my personal beliefs as the next guy.


Active Member
GOD is fake =] lolz sorry guys i know the truth is hard to swallow
anyway enjoy your lives and be good little boys so you can go to heavan =)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
GOD is fake =] lolz sorry guys i know the truth is hard to swallow
anyway enjoy your lives and be good little boys so you can go to heavan =)
saying GOD is FAKE is the same as saying GOD is not fake...

up is nothing without down
fast is nothing without slow..

fake is nothing without real..

SO what is GOD?

Can you say something that CAN stand on its own? Can you say something that does not require the opposite TO ALSO be TRUE..

when you can say something that can stand on its OWN you are POINTING at GOD...

YOU say GOD is FAKE because you belivei something is also REAL...
Who would you be without thought?
Stop thinking.. I bet then YOU would HVAE a different perspective..


and YES, GOD is FAKE


Well-Known Member
GOD is fake =] lolz sorry guys i know the truth is hard to swallow
anyway enjoy your lives and be good little boys so you can go to heavan =)
Stop acting like you know the 'truth'. You come across like you have a big ego. Science cannot explain everything in the world. Just because you don't have concrete proof of God's existence it doesn't mean he does not exist.


Well-Known Member
no offence, but this is load of baloney. you're attempting to make an irrashional idea rational, if not in our minds, then on some supernatural greater level that we can't understand.

it is a cop out. because other then an old book of fables, you have no information to verify that this non-linear, irrashional god exists. it ammounts to us taking your word on it, because you've read an old book.

so why dont you believe in any of the other gods of old books? like allah or ramose or ra from the book of the dead? you believe what you believe *probably* because your parents believed it. and your concept of god has as much likelyhood of being correct as any other god now, or from a past civilization.

i day nop offence because i was once in your shoes and heard people tell me these things and never meditated on the possible truths of it all. untill i studied the history of ALL religions and the natural history of all civilizations i never knew how wrong i was.

I was just spitting out the same answers to god questions that they explained to me. is that was you are doing?
of course its baloney its donnie osmond!


Well-Known Member
saying GOD is FAKE is the same as saying GOD is not fake...

up is nothing without down
fast is nothing without slow..

fake is nothing without real..

SO what is GOD?

Can you say something that CAN stand on its own? Can you say something that does not require the opposite TO ALSO be TRUE..

when you can say something that can stand on its OWN you are POINTING at GOD...

YOU say GOD is FAKE because you belivei something is also REAL...
Who would you be without thought?
Stop thinking.. I bet then YOU would HVAE a different perspective..


and YES, GOD is FAKE
interesting point. Now im trying to rationalize how god doesnt exist in my world


Well-Known Member
Stop acting like you know the 'truth'. You come across like you have a big ego. Science cannot explain everything in the world. Just because you don't have concrete proof of God's existence it doesn't mean he does not exist.
science cannot explain so man makes this 'god' character as a scapegoat because humans cant take the ego blow to say we dont know this or that. for example how the world started, so we make up a character, 'god' he did it all.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I'm pretty sure religion was here long before actual designated scientists were officially studying how humans were created.