Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
lovely pictures - that shot of the sombrero galaxy is very impressive - looks like a hubble shot. no comment on the use of the phrase "has to be" ... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thats what it is thou im no scentist
if you really want a thrill - go to a "star party" hosted by your local amateur astronomer's group - they will usually let you look through their scopes! very impressive to see these things first hand. The images through a scope are all black and white (our eyes can't make out the color - not enough photons!) but seeing these things in real time is, i think, even more impressive than the hubble shots - though the hubble pictures are far more detailed and colorful.


Well-Known Member
It speaks louder than some idiots saying there is or isent a god ,:mrgreen:
to a scientist, the universe doesn't speak either way. scientists look for natural causes and so far have found them.

the universe is made to be far more hospitable to black holes than life - in fact our universe is as close to a perfect black hole generator as possible. Life seems to be a fragile by-product of black hole creation.


The Gardener
to a scientist, the universe doesn't speak either way. scientists look for natural causes and so far have found them.

the universe is made to be far more hospitable to black holes than life - in fact our universe is as close to a perfect black hole generator as possible. Life seems to be a fragile by-product of black hole creation.

Yea the scientists know mybe just a little bit more than us about the univirse ect. or even a god has them still confused to prove right or wrong they probily been even having the same arguments as the people on this site its just people are lead to believe scientists becouse they have did some studies on somthing they really know not to much about back to the theory thing ? or should it be called a thought just ?

this thread is was really just a bitchy 1 to start of with in the 1st place its all argument that has went on from the begining of time up to you what thoughts ya want to believe



Well-Known Member
Yea the scientists know mybe just a little bit more than us about the univirse ect. or even a god has them still confused to prove right or wrong they probily been even having the same arguments as the people on this site its just people are lead to believe scientists becouse they have did some studies on somthing they really know not to much about back to the theory thing ? or should it be called a thought just ?

this thread is was really just a bitchy 1 to start of with in the 1st place its all argument that has went on from the begining of time up to you what thoughts ya want to believe

that's right. scientists do know a good deal more than a lot of us about many things but that doesn't mean they are any more correct when speculating. Most scientists deal in the world of "most likely" or "not very likely" rather than "definitely yes" or "definitely no". And while there isn't any evidence for an anthropomorphic god that meddles in humanities affairs (like the kind in most bibles), that doesn't mean one doesn't exist - but a scientist would probably use the phrase - it is unlikely that one exists.

And while scientists like Behi and Dawkins can argue about the existence or likelihood of a god, that doesn't make their conclusions correct. Science may never be able to answer that question but if science can't, chances are good nothing else will be able to answer the question either. Other than time and death of course.

I enjoy discussing this but unfortunately folks who have a firm belief can get very irate. I'm not sure why, if an atheist like myself can speculate about the existence of god, why it is so difficult for theists to speculate that there isn't.

The most often heard argument goes something like this : "when i look around at the world and universe and see all the diversity of life here on Earth and the wonders of outer space, i can't imagine there not being a God."

Here's the thing - just because that person can not imagine or understand or comprehend is not proof god exists. Saying things like "there just has to be" or "how could there not be", again, is not proof. Another words, somebody "needing" a god to explain their surroundings is not proof that god exists!

It is akin to making something up in a formula so "it works" rather than solving the formula correctly.

so ultimately the question of "is there a god" is currently unanswerable and the rest is rhetoric and speculation.

So far, so good, right? Well here is where it gets a bit sticky.

I say things get sticky, because there is plenty of scientific evidence that refutes the folks who literally interpret their holy texts (rather than read them as allegory). Things like 7-day creation, the great flood, the exodus, etc... are all refuted by very, very strong scientific evidence (or absence of evidence in favor of said event). Short of the devil planting the evidence, believing in these things means either ignoring or disbelieving the evidence or not being aware of the evidence. I think it is the literalists that have the most to "lose" when conversations like this occur.


The Gardener
Thats the point man there is no evidance becouse all this happened was happening millions and millions of years befour there even was an earth ,
Galaxys and universes were still forming (if thats what even happen just another theory) theres some scientific facts untill a sertian extent like 1 them little dots on the pic,s of the universe thats how much they would know , Thats why they are called theorys used by wise mean thats been studying the subject all there life and thats the best they can come up with , thou non of them can actually say its prof , That this is how it happen or this is what happened in the begining , There is a god or there isent a god

Its Just all other people thoughts and views and they have been trying from the begining of time to work out becouse as humans wee need things 2 be in black and white or we just say its crazy or make fun of the preclamer like when the earth was flat.

No 1 will ever know .................


Well-Known Member
Thats the point man there is no evidance becouse all this happened was happening millions and millions of years befour there even was an earth ,
Galaxys and universes were still forming (if thats what even happen just another theory) theres some scientific facts untill a sertian extent like 1 them little dots on the pic,s of the universe thats how much they would know , Thats why they are called theorys used by wise mean thats been studying the subject all there life and thats the best they can come up with , thou non of them can actually say its prof , That this is how it happen or this is what happened in the begining , There is a god or there isent a god

Its Just all other people thoughts and views and they have been trying from the begining of time to work out becouse as humans wee need things 2 be in black and white or we just say its crazy or make fun of the preclamer like when the earth was flat.

No 1 will ever know .................

It is true that if you desire absolute certainty then science is not the route to take. There always will be errors bars/margins.

BUT - there is quite a bit more that we do know about the universe than a lot of people think. Like the relative size and shape, the aprox. age and how the early universe formed. And while new evidence could appear that blows some of the theories away. The more theories we build on existing theories - which work - the more likely the earlier theories are correct.

It really is fascinating to learn about this stuff. i love it! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to say but Jesus,Jews Christians(White) and Islam(Mohammed Muslims),are the Biggest fuck ups to this world cocksucking crusading cunt fucks and lets not forget Alexander the cunt' and still a fucking problem today bringing nothing good to this world besides lies murder and deception, all fucking gay nazi's,

sorry but there might be more
wat the hell?! are you high right now! just dont talk anymore lol:spew:


Well-Known Member
Well here are some other things I have problems with:
Moses; First of all, the idea of an ark that was supposedly capable of carrying 2 of every animal in the world being built in one mans life-time by that one man with little help is inconceivable. Secondly, Moses is based on a Syrian myth about 'Misis'.

Another thing is that the mythical overlay in the bible is almost unbearable; to me that is.

The Christ-like figure goes all the way back to Greek mythology of Hercules. He was born of a virgin, Alcmene, (this is original mythology, I'm greek. lol) a son for a father, Zeus, and the only begotten. 'Savior' of the greek people, thier 'Sotuer'. Hercules was also 'the prince of peace' and 'bringer of divine wisdom'. He died and joined his father on Olympus a thousand years before Gethsemane.

Taken alone the philosophical teachings of Jesus are Buddhism with a Hebrew accent. Kindness, tolerance, brotherhood, love, a ruthless realism acknowledging that life is as it is here on Earth, here and now. The kingdom of god, meaning, goodness is right here where it should be.

Besides, I think that trying to convince people through scare tactics (the possibility of Hell) and truth by faith rather than truth by proof is widely ignorant and completely unethical. Especially from a religion professing ethics, truth, tolerance, and love...

But, these are just my opinions and beliefs. I'm not trying to convert people to my beliefs, just giving my reasoning.

Like almost everyone on here, I live with acceptance and equilibrium of my surroundings. I have no problem with any religion just as long as they respect my beliefs as I respect theirs.

Except scientology... that's not a religion... it's science-fiction. The creator of it even said so on his death-bed yet it's still followed...
Kind of on the subject of the scientology guy admitting that it was fake, Charles Darwin wrote the Origin of Species before modern technology such as microscopes. In it he said that if as technology gets better and we can see the smaller things (like bacteria, amino acids, etc.) then if they are as complex as the human body, then his Theory of Evolution should be thrown out the window. Unfortunately this part isnt taught in schools.


Well-Known Member
Kind of on the subject of the scientology guy admitting that it was fake, Charles Darwin wrote the Origin of Species before modern technology such as microscopes. In it he said that if as technology gets better and we can see the smaller things (like bacteria, amino acids, etc.) then if they are as complex as the human body, then his Theory of Evolution should be thrown out the window. Unfortunately this part isnt taught in schools.
Darwin said nothing of the kind. In fact, modern technology - along with new sciences like genetics has shown Darwin to be mostly correct in his theory of natural selection. Also note - the "theory" is natural selection - not evolution.