Who are you voting for?

Who you voting for?!

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New Member
I'm sure someone already made a poll but this can be a kinda update.

Ron Paul supporter here, Don't care for his views about ignoring All drugs which is one reason he may loose but I do like his view on keeping our noses out of other country's business and instead building our defences better, plus he's just so adorable! But for cereal, he does look like the most honest person out of all 3 of them.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure someone already made a poll but this can be a kinda update.

Ron Paul supporter here, Don't care for his views about ignoring All drugs which is one reason he may loose but I do like his view on keeping our noses out of other country's business and instead building our defences better, plus he's just so adorable! But for cereal, he does look like the most honest person out of all 3 of them.
I think it's a mistake to have Ron Paul and honest in same sentence

Edit: not voting in poll as Im not from us


Well-Known Member
Because he is a human being and all human beings lie, That being said Ron Paul is the most honest of the three, of that there is no doubt.
I think he's just more sanctimonious than the others and that makes his supporters think he's not really talking out of both sides of his mouth


New Member
Than the others? Really?

He's not going for attention like the others, that's why the news rarely talks about him. Especially Fox, they even cut him on several occasions. That's what makes him more truthful.


Well-Known Member
Than the others? Really?

He's not going for attention like the others, that's why the news rarely talks about him. Especially Fox, they even cut him on several occasions. That's what makes him more truthful.
None of what you just said speaks for his honesty.


New Member
Well you don't know until/if he gets elected of course lol and that was more of a response to what you said about him being the lower of the 2.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I think he's just more sanctimonious than the others and that makes his supporters think he's not really talking out of both sides of his mouth
Ron Paul has a 30+ year track record in congress NOT lying which makes him among the very few representatives who doesnt sling shit.

you may disagree with his positions but if you want to claim he lied about something you better bring proof.

he has no Mitt-Flops , and no Obama-Fuscations hiding in his record unlike the other two political huckster who are currently in the race. my vote wont count for any candidate, but in the even it comes down to the wire, i reserve the right to vote for mittens if the other choice is 4 more years of Obamanomics.


Well-Known Member
His voting record might suggest he's consistent but when you look at the reality you'll find earmarks for Paul's constiuancy that he's placed knowing the bill will pass even with him voting against. That's talking out of both sides of his mouth

He's repeatedly lied and changed his story about the racist publications under his name

There's more examples but I can't remember of the top of my head


New Member
He's knowingly voted against bills that he knows will pass? Didn't know you can tell what he's thinking lol, you should make that into a business, would bank that amazing talent.


Well-Known Member
He's knowingly voted against bills that he knows will pass? Didn't know you can tell what he's thinking lol, you should make that into a business, would bank that amazing talent.
He adds earmarks that benefit him to the bills then he votes against those bills usually being the vast minority of votes

In doing this he gets all the benefits while keeping a voting record that fools his supporters

His supporters too are such a bunch of ideologue's that their dishonesty dwarfs even the pious rawness


New Member
Well I dunno much about what bill was what but I'm sure Ron has the better record than both of them, severity wise.


Well-Known Member
I for one would vote for Ron if he was still in the running. From what I noticed about why he can't never seem to be elected president is that he seems to speak his mind and the "people" don't seem to like that. I really believe that if he was to ever be elected president that things would get a lot better.
But as for the poll and the 2 that remains, I would have to go with Romney even though I don't like him either, but I will vote for anyone besides Obama.

Smirgin, Your avatar is hilarious. A Travon Martin Obama....Kudos


Well-Known Member
Well I dunno much about what bill was what but I'm sure Ron has the better record than both of them, severity wise.
For someone as pious as the rawn and in light of his "never votes for earmark" stance he sure does it a lot

Some of rons earmarks just from 2010

  • $8 million from federal taxpayers for Recreational Fishing Piers.
  • $2.5 million from taxpayers for "new benches, trash receptacles, bike racks, decorative street lighting."
  • $2.5 million from taxpayers to modify medians and sidewalks for an "Economically Disadvantaged" area.
  • $2.5 million from federal taxpayers for a "Revelation Missionary Baptist Community Outreach Center."
  • $38 million in multiple requests for literacy programs to "encourage parents to read aloud to their children."
  • $18 million from federal taxpayers for a Commuter Rail Preliminary Engineering Phase (light rail).
  • $4 million from federal taxpayers for the "Trails and Sidewalks Connectivity Initiative."
  • $11 million from federal taxpayers for a "Community-Based Job Training Program."
  • $2 million from federal taxpayers for a "Clean Energy" pilot project.
  • $5 million from federal taxpayers in order to build a parking garage.
  • $1.2 million for a "Low-income working families Day Care Program"
  • $4.5 million from federal taxpayers for a new Youth Fair facility