Who are the gnostics?


Well-Known Member
And what do they know about particle physics? Are they the same as knostics (greek) in the bible? What is the connection to ag-nostic?


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...they know how girls dance!


"The pneumatics ("spiritual", from Greek πνεῦμα, "spirit") were, in gnosticism, the highest order of humans, the other two orders being psychics and hylics. The pneumatic saw himself as escaping the doom of the material world via the secret knowledge. Outsiders could only know these secrets by joining a gnostic group. To be a gnostic is to believe in three planes of existence: the pure unknown (demiurge), the material world of coitus and comfort, and the pure spiritual realm of ascension or escape."


Well-Known Member
Gnostic, in the terms of gnostic theist or atheist is in reference to the state of belief where one claims to know the existence or non-existence of god or gods.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Gnostic, in the terms of gnostic theist or atheist is in reference to the state of belief where one claims to know the existence or non-existence of god or gods.
...and they would say that they found that source within. Compassion. The union of male and female within. It's having a dragon to steer if you 'make it'. No one is just 'enlightened' - trial by fire - baptism by fire.

But, the fire is not what we think - literally.


Well-Known Member
Ok, you guys are having too much fun. :)

So, the gnostics believe that the god of the iseraelites was satan?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Looks a lot like the Indus Tiune... Shvia, Vishnu, whathisname?
Trimurti? Creation, Maintenance & Destruction. Brahma is Creation, Vishnu is maintenance, and destruction is Shiva. I think the 4th aspect is inherent. Perhaps the same way Christ was also a 'sword that divided'.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Trimurti, right...why a 4th aspect, again. It's like the color white? I know you said already. Please remind.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Yes, Trimurti, right...why a 4th aspect, again. It's like the color white? I know you said already. Please remind.
...I'm really :mrgreen: (get it? :lol:) so please bear with potential mistakes in my interpretation.

The 4th aspect, I think, is an answer to 'evil in the world'. (or, the opposition to 'good') So yes, I think your view of 'white' in this way is neat.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit (which is dual)

I cannot be 100% sure about this because I've only just thought about it now, but I wonder if the Black Madonna is what is meant here (by the duality). I was just writing about that with neer on another thread.

*The Green Man motif has many variations. Found in many cultures around the world, the Green Man is often related to natural vegetative deities springing up in different cultures throughout the ages. Primarily it is interpreted as a symbol of rebirth, or "renaissance," representing the cycle of growth each spring. Some speculate that the mythology of the Green Man developed independently in the traditions of separate ancient cultures and evolved into the wide variety of examples found throughout history.

*something else, perhaps of interest: http://www.tony5m17h.net/ArchMandMus.html


Well-Known Member
Agnostic is a coined term, completely unrelated...

The Gnostics follow the lost books of the Bible, the Nag Hamadi Codex, not just the Dead Sea Scrolls (Which is what most Christians are reading)

Some of it is really sexual, some of it is very spiritual, some of it is weird and alien related...
I was Gnostic for a while, like through personal research, I didn't know any other Gnostic's.


Well-Known Member
In these books Jesus kisses Mary Magdelin, threatens people, and much more...

A whole new side of Jesus is put in the light :)


Well-Known Member
Also, "Sophia" is very important to Gnostics...

She is the god of this universe.
She was in the realm of the gods, where there was nothing. NOTHING.
Then Sophia, somehow reached out and TOUCHED the nothing.

That touch set off a reaction in the universe, something like a friction explosion. And pieces of Sophia fell from her, and new things were made all together.
Some became what is known as the stars and planets, some became what is known as "Archon's", some became what is known as animals, and plants. But the pieces that fell from Sophia, became humans.
And we all have a piece of god in us, so in a way we all ARE god :)

That's their creation/god story...
Even though they are still somewhat christian...

Just like the Christian's are somewhat Jewish...