white widows very short and bushy

First off, I've learned a ton of stuff so far so keep up the good work riu!

Comparing these plants to others I've seen, they look kinda short. I'm worried since the nodes are so close that leaves won't get the right amount of light. What do you guys think? Heres some info:

These are 3 white widows and 1 fruity chronic juice, all fem'd, that were planted from seed 5 weeks ago.

They were topped 5 days ago, just taking the very top growth (pretty sure it was done right).

They're in a dwc setup in a big rubbermaid, ph is good, foxfarm nutes, 1450 ppm today, a little high for the fox farm chart so no nutes for a couple of days.

Theres a mh warehouse light 4ft above and 5 or 6 cfl's hanging about 6inches above them.

I thought it may be the lights so they were moved up to 12inches today.

Any thoughts?

lower your ppl to around 800-900 right thru harvest and it will have better flavor rather than pushing the nutes and getting her to bush out, personal preference.
WW are gonna be short and bushy and now that you topped it, it will be mroe so.


Those tight inter-nodes aren't necessarily bad. Veg them longer and yield more! Some people would kill to have them that tight :)

I had a similar situation with my ceramic metal halide and my WW--the internodes were so tight, it was taking forever to reach the screen for SCROG. I finally raised the light up a bit just to get them to stretch out of impatience.


Active Member
First off, I've learned a ton of stuff so far so keep up the good work riu!

Comparing these plants to others I've seen, they look kinda short. I'm worried since the nodes are so close that leaves won't get the right amount of light. What do you guys think? Heres some info:

These are 3 white widows and 1 fruity chronic juice, all fem'd, that were planted from seed 5 weeks ago.

They were topped 5 days ago, just taking the very top growth (pretty sure it was done right).

They're in a dwc setup in a big rubbermaid, ph is good, foxfarm nutes, 1450 ppm today, a little high for the fox farm chart so no nutes for a couple of days.

Theres a mh warehouse light 4ft above and 5 or 6 cfl's hanging about 6inches above them.

I thought it may be the lights so they were moved up to 12inches today.

Any thoughts?

How many weeks have you been in VEG? I had this same problem on my last plant! This is not recommended by a lot of people on the site, but here is what I did!
I cut down all the big fan leaves! The reason, So all my shoots or new tops can grow much much faster and so they can receive the proper light. I know this takes away from the main stem producing bud, but I was ok with it. I had about 25 tops or shoots my last grow! oh, I topped last 2 weeks of VEG. I also noticed, when i went from CFL to HPS, what a super big difference! I go CFL first 2 weeks, then 250watt MH for the rest of VEG and then 250Watt HPS for flower. And there is my 4 foot plant!
Here is an example of my plant.


How many weeks have you been in VEG? I had this same problem on my last plant! This is not recommended by a lot of people on the site, but here is what I did!
I cut down all the big fan leaves! The reason, So all my shoots or new tops can grow much much faster and so they can receive the proper light. I know this takes away from the main stem producing bud, but I was ok with it. I had about 25 tops or shoots my last grow! oh, I topped last 2 weeks of VEG. I also noticed, when i went from CFL to HPS, what a super big difference! I go CFL first 2 weeks, then 250watt MH for the rest of VEG and then 250Watt HPS for flower. And there is my 4 foot plant!
Here is an example of my plant.

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since they're sprouted from seed so 2 weeks cfl, vegging for 2-3 weeks now. I'm never heard of cutting the fan leaves so thanks for the info. How'd the harvest go with having so many tops?