white widow indoor grow help


hi all, am a newbie to this and this is my first time grow ive chosen feminized white widow vegged for 5 weeks under 400hps light my girl was about a foot before i chucked her into 12/12 under 400hps light, she's on day 18 of flowering and is growing like a beast she,s just over 2 foot (checked this morning) feeding with bio grow every other watering, as u can see by the pic she's in two containers due to not having one big pot, i think the black one may be 2 gallon pot but i am unsure, the white one is a 25 litre container she seems to be loving it in there she's bushy as hell. i just wanted to know if any one had any tips over the flowering period, and also what kind of yield am i looking to get from my beast of a girl, cheersphoto-1.jpgphoto-3.jpgphoto-4.jpgphoto-5.jpgphoto.jpg


Active Member
everyone will tell you the same big guy. its really hard to give you a correct estimate, but your looking about an ounce per gallon of pot you use


Well-Known Member
8-10 week flower time on the white widow. She's a high yielder if grown right and you have a nice bush going. You could easily pull 2-4 ounces off of her with a 400. Resist pulling her early, let her go all the way. Looks like she is a little hot up top with the upward leaf curl I see. How are the temps and humidity in the grow area?


cheers for the advice the temp is around 70-80f and the hum is around 40-50 i lefted the light up a bit this morning as she was getting pretty close to to the bulb that my be why