White Widow... graduated from my aerogarden and she's growin up fast!


Well-Known Member
From this...

to this..

to these...

First time grow, she's about to leave the aerogarden and live in a tray, providing me babies for a while.



Well-Known Member
She's ill. It sucks. So I'm perusing teh internets for solutions.

Likely cause..
Very recent move out of AG into new rubbermaid tub with twice as much volume, had to change containers twice before finding a way to hold her up. Ended up using slabs of pretty slate leftover from my bathroom floor to stabilize her, stacked on the lid of the tub.

I'm assuming a deficiency of some sort due to changed parameters.

Tomorrow I'm buying some PH testing supplies.

Any suggestions based on photos below please feel free to lob them my way.
Red stems, pale yellow leaves with green veins, brown tips.

PS. ALLA you futhermuckers in the US better vote doggammit.

~:leaf:Peach out.:leaf:~


Well-Known Member
They were on earth juice nutes, and even the clones didn't like it. I flushed all the plants and they seem to be doing better now.
I have a 150w HPS at the moment, as soon as I have more money I'll be getting more lights.
w00hoo. Tonight I'm going to see ZZ Top! Now where did I put those cheap sunglasses and stripper boots....


Well-Known Member
zz top...lol
stripper boots...and shades....priceless...
i wish i could help..... but your plant are hard to diagnos...
hope they make it ....


Well-Known Member
Me too. I had to really mess with her to get her big ole root bundle into the new digs.. tried to be careful but I know she hated it. Then I added the nutes, which I was very conservative with but still my plants had been nute free (except for the funk in my city water) and they didn't like 'em AT ALL. I removed the yellow leaves, flushed with water, and am hoping for the best. The buds are still happy, adding layers of crystally goodness, so I think it'll be ok.

Now it's just a wait and see game. On a good note tho.. a friend brought by a special little clone of "some sort of special berry flavor" and she rooted right away.

Here's a pic of one of the sick buds..


Well-Known Member
dosnt look to bad..... i had amazing success rate with water clones..... you were right for trimiing them.... could trim those clones a little more... and i think the bigg one will make it.... looks beeter....maybe its just spending its energy on the nuggs and not the leaves.....

heres my clones.....they are quite lovely...my first clones...



Well-Known Member
I like. And no I'm not korean:D
Yeah I'm going to take the teeny scissors to the yellow leaves again. It seems my plants just hate nutes, or at least those nutes. What is this I hear about molasses?


Well-Known Member
its masta kush..... i meant cut the clones leaves but you can cut both of course....lol
yeah molasses is great....
too bad i love asians...lol


Well-Known Member
you can do it any time....but i hear its best the last weeks of flower....
you dont have to flush it....i guess a teaspoon per gallon..... when you water it.... i know before harvest your not suppose to use nutes but molasses is good till the end.... natures sweet nectar....


Active Member
I'm about to get an aerogarden too. I have to say i had my doubts but these pictures gave me new hope. I do have some questions though;
Which grow setting do you have it on?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't really matter for the lights, I used the "figure 8" connector to hook the lights up to a timer and power strip.
Salad greens pump the water 24/7, tomato setting is intermittent. For rooting the clones I used the tomato setting, don't want them wet 24/7


Well-Known Member
Well here's the latest pics. She's still ill.. on only tap water now and I'm trying to figure out what def she has so I can fix it. This is week 3 flowering....



Well-Known Member

Thought I'd post some bud pics of my lady. She's a little under the weather but still juicy! I'm thinkin next time I take pics, I'll put something for perspective. As it is, these nugs are around 5 inches


Well-Known Member
maybe you should buy some water....my tap water's ph was tooo high..... get some 5 gallon purified water from your local water stop if u have one....i think they look good... theyll make it...good luck...


Well-Known Member