white widow/ blue cheese grow <PICS...soon to be 50 plant sea of green


Well-Known Member
i could,nt tell you the butter2weed ratio because i really just wing it everytime.
but what i do is just collect all my trim and small popcorn buds straight from the plant into a plastic container then i put it in the freezer. then i put a pan of water on the stove and warm till boiling. once boiled i turn off the heat and let the water stop bubbling.then add one stick of butter (approx250g) and let it melt slowly in the warm water .once the butter is melted add your trim and mix it all together. then turn the heat back on and bring too a real light simmer for 6 hours. the key is too add water every 15-30 minutes because it will evaporate. i like to make sure mine has alot of water in the pan at all times so that the butter does,nt burn.
next i put a seive over a large glass bowl and poor the mixture thru it pressing all the green down to get all the butter out (there will be alot).i then cover the bowl and put in the fridge over night.
next morning i just lift out the disk of butter scrape the nasty off the back, dab off the excess water with kitchen cloth. and your ready too cook.
hope this helps man :joint::hump::peace:
Sure does. Ill give this a try. Hopefully i have better results :hump:


Well-Known Member
right so i had bud rot on the main blue cheese kola and had to harvest it this is due too my humidity being too high at night. this has been the worst grow i have ever done. i have had seeds and budrot infest my crop and really feel like giving up. soon as my clones root and i get these plants out of my flowering room i will be opening my new thread.


Well-Known Member
right so i had bud rot on the main blue cheese kola and had to harvest it this is due too my humidity being too high at night. this has been the worst grow i have ever done. i have had seeds and budrot infest my crop and really feel like giving up. soon as my clones root and i get these plants out of my flowering room i will be opening my new thread.
Dont stress too much man. You learn from your mistakes. I also have a humidity problem at night. Going to buy a dehumidifier once i get some cash.


Well-Known Member
cash wise i mean
I dont know man. I been looking around a little and they're in the $140 and up range. That's more than I can afford really, at least just for a dehumidifier. I found a mini one for $45 but it had bad reviews and said it didnt do the job it was supposed to. I might check a few thrift stores or something.


Well-Known Member
so update. finally took pictures. got my mylar in the flower room with two white widow and 2 blue cheese. one of the blue cheese has has its main kola chopped because of bud rot.
so the smallest white widow and the blue cheese are all on the flushing period. i have checked the trics and most are really milky white and on the w/w some are amber so three more days of flush and down they come. the biggest w/w is a slow one and is nowhere near as dense as i want it, so it,s going another 2 week.

all my clones have nearly rooted so when that happens i will be moving too another journal.



Well-Known Member
so i had a tester of the blue cheese that was harvested early and fuck me is it nice. the blues in it has really come thru. taste and smells real good and smokes down slowly with fluffy white ash.
i also got an oz of strawberry cough that a buddy grew and i must say he did a fucking good job the buds are tight and really fruity.


Well-Known Member
i been at my mates all day today. we turned his veg chamber into 2. we got our clones at the bottom and mothers at the top.
yeah i love w/rhino 2 it was my first ever real grow so its like going back for me.

after your clones grow roots how tall are you letting them get before going 2 flower chamber.


Well-Known Member
i been at my mates all day today. we turned his veg chamber into 2. we got our clones at the bottom and mothers at the top.
yeah i love w/rhino 2 it was my first ever real grow so its like going back for me.

after your clones grow roots how tall are you letting them get before going 2 flower chamber.
Idk I couldnt tell you for sure with my new time schedule for them. They're only going to be rooting for 2 weeks then going into flower. Im guessing they might be 4-6 in?


Well-Known Member
Nice grow....A dehumidifer is around a hundred bucks at home depot....Cant wait to see your SOG kick off


Well-Known Member
Nice grow....A dehumidifer is around a hundred bucks at home depot....Cant wait to see your SOG kick off
thanks for stopping by. i seen some dehumidifers on ebay they are rechargable and small.
when the sog kicks off i will start a new thread with a complete rundown on everything i got with loads of pics.
also me and gosh are running similar setups so we are gonna compare results come harvest time.