White widow 6 plant SOG

allen bud

Active Member
finaly post pics from last week and this week flowering room..next week will be pics with new rebuilt flower room oh boy! lol
now pics....
DSCF2160.jpgDSCF2161.jpgDSCF2162.jpgDSCF2163.jpgDSCF2164.jpgDSCF2165.jpgDSCF2166.jpgDSCF2167.jpgtrimmed small crappy branching 1 more time ,mostly ones that i missed or that grew from previous week.that will be in next pics.....bong hits for all'

allen bud

Active Member
heres this week . Next watering will be adding tiger blooms at low dose and watch for over nute then raise or lowwer nutes depending...week 6 001.jpgweek 6 002.jpgweek 6 003.jpgweek 6 004.jpgweek 6 005.jpgweek 6 006.jpgweek 6 007.jpg the plant with the developed buds is a heavy duty fruity that ,instead of showing indica traits is mostly showing sativa traits long branching,10 and 11 leaf sets,and it has a weight hanging from it to keep it down by the lights.its like that with and other cola rapping around other end of room.Anyway she is showing nute stress(an other good sighn of a sativa) and all i gave her was half dose of cha ching. well no more nutes for her . shes got like 2.5 weeks to go more like 3 +
And what i mean by nute stress being another good sighn of it being sativa is that sativas tend to , but not always,have low tolorance for nutes...
I tell you what i dont care what peeps say FF Happy Frog is some good soil!!!never needs nutes till late into grow, and even then not much...

allen bud

Active Member
found 2 or 3 nat's on plant in grow side ,so watered flowering plants with 2/3 strength nutes and then gave them all a neem oil bath..
hope they all stop growing taller now.running out of verticul space.
Grow seems to be going as i hoped so far
Anyone have problems this year with nat's attacking roots this year? I did , it was like an infestation.The area where i live was terrible with them this year!!!
going into 3rd week of flowering was the last chance for soaking this girls safely, without worrying about mold. Hope theres no problem from here on out...half week006.jpghalf week008.jpghalf week002.jpghalf week003.jpghalf week004.jpghalf week005.jpggot some nice top buds forming now...mmmm


allen bud

Active Member
ok trying again for this update without fail this time . had to ad more k to nute because a bad def. but doing better now . heres last weeks pics. had to get new printer so i could up load .but here tyhey are finaly(I seem to be a week behind on all my post for this thread.not that it seems to matterr.lol..anyway heres some pics............
DSCF2227.jpgDSCF2243.jpgDSCF2225.jpgDSCF2226.jpgDSCF2228.jpgDSCF2229.jpgDSCF2230.jpgDSCF2232.jpgDSCF2233.jpgDSCF2234.jpgDSCF2235.jpgDSCF2237.jpgDSCF2238.jpgDSCF2239.jpgDSCF2240.jpgDSCF2242.jpgsorry bout the blurry pics my digi cam did me wronge this time.theres also pics of the heavy duty fruity dominateing the room.lol she finaly came out

allen bud

Active Member
ok and heres this week..week 7..and thank you to admins for moveing thread !
DSCF2244.jpgDSCF2250.jpgDSCF2251.jpgDSCF2252.jpgDSCF2253.jpgDSCF2254.jpgDSCF2255.jpgDSCF2256.jpgDSCF2257.jpgDSCF2260.jpgDSCF2245.jpgDSCF2246.jpgDSCF2247.jpgDSCF2248.jpgDSCF2249.jpgthey all getting over the nute def. but that 1 looks like doom...lol

allen bud

Active Member
Thanks Andrew.! i am actualy only useing 400watts now and its going good so far. except the potasium def iam fixing. going to amend my happy frog with potasium for next grow hope this doesnt happen again.thanks for stopping by.!!


Active Member
Ya I got a plant in CFL 520 watts. Well I got 4. They are about 3 and a half weeks in veg. A lil slower than usual grow wise but they seem to be shooting up now. You can start a nute cycle early if you think there is a defficency. That is what I am doing.

allen bud

Active Member
Ya I got a plant in CFL 520 watts. Well I got 4. They are about 3 and a half weeks in veg. A lil slower than usual grow wise but they seem to be shooting up now. You can start a nute cycle early if you think there is a defficency. That is what I am doing.
your right and i should have done that ,but i get worried about over nute to much..lol.so i waited to long.

allen bud

Active Member
update time. There still recovering well and buds getting fatter.hit them hard with nutes today !!! 2 weeks left time for them to get fat!!
001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg008.jpg009.jpg011.jpgtheres also a pic of the pineapple chunk now in the flower room

allen bud

Active Member
Well couldnt upload pics yet this week with no card reader again.hopefuly next few days. Took down 4 plant that show finiahed flowers..! good thing ive had no weed for a week.lol..the rest have bigger and fatter tops.the 4 i took down are going to be about 7 g's dry each. i hope.


Active Member
hey, how did it turn out with the 200 watt cfls? are they the sun masters? sorry just was curious and want to add two 200w cfl to my 400w and 150 im running in my grow tent/ box :)