White widow 2x 600w grow


Well-Known Member
Feeding them general hydropinics 3 part
Ph when i done water change was 6
Ec was 1.1
Just checked ph an ec again 3 days after the water change and ph was 5.2 and ec is 3
Its flood and drain system


Just a guess, but it looks like Nitrogen deficiency to me. Ni is a transferable nutrient that the plant can pull from one place to another. Looks like it's sucking the you know what out of the bottom leaves.

A Magnesium deficiency can start out that way, but it's usually a more uniform yellowing of the leaves that starts at the bottom and moves up the plant. I have a lot of experience with that one.
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Just checked ph an ec again 3 days after the water change and ph was 5.2 and ec is 3
Forget what I just posted! If you nutrient strength is sky rocketing and your ph is plunging there must something else going on. I dunno .... but when in doubt .... FLUSH!


Well-Known Member
Feeding them general hydropinics 3 part
Ph when i done water change was 6
Ec was 1.1
Just checked ph an ec again 3 days after the water change and ph was 5.2 and ec is 3
Its flood and drain system
You need to monitor the water way closer than that. With those swings in pH and EC there's no way to properly feed the plant.
Monitor your reservoir at least once a day and fix whatever needs fixing. At this stage you want your pH at 5.3-5.6 and EC at 1.2-1.5. Anything outside those ranges I would fix immediately in a flood and drain system.


Well-Known Member
Changed the system from a recirculating flood an drain to a flood to waste still same problem ph is 6.4 after nutes go in take it down to 5.8 leave it a day and it goes up to 6.3 first time using general hydroponics nutes