White spots - mites? Need a second eye


Well-Known Member
Hey, first grow here. So, I got white spots. Some quick searching suggests possibly mites, but I can find no webs, and these spots don't squish, they wipe right off, but I just noticed them today. No crawlies on underside of leaves. Any thoughts? Beginning of mold? Plants are actually super dry, but I'm willing to consider mold/mildew.

Just started today. Kinda seems like dust, I'm growing in a closet, but I'm not sure.



Active Member
Could be pm or mites hard to tell grab yourself a scope at radio shack or grow shop. You could always spray and pray I suggest a neem, water and soap mix to start as that will knock out pm and help a bit with mites. I spray weekly outside and inside just a good prevent of different products.


Well-Known Member
so I went over this plant thoroughly with a 100x pocket LED microscope. I can't find anything moving or crawling or indicating bugs. I did move one of my fans close to the plants and I'm wondering if it's just kicking up soil dust.

here's an underside image

I also put the scope directly on several of the white spots and they are chaotically crystaline, like sand or something... weird. My tops are all starting to flower with gnarly white hairs and stuff, could it be falloff from that?


Well-Known Member
The underside looks like soil dust for sure, as for the top spec it looks like a spider mite but you said it didn't squish so i'm not sure.