white specs


Well-Known Member
hey guys, new to growning. the leaves under each of my flowers are getting little white hairs or specs. is that ok????


Well-Known Member
Gonna have to be a bit more descriptive. Leaves under your flowers...? So your plants have buds and the leaves sticking out of them have these white spots?


Sector 5 Moderator
Sounds like it might be powdery mildew. If it's white specs that you can rub off with your finger, you've got a problem.


Well-Known Member
To show you here is a pic, under each flower smaller leaves are growing and they are getting a white substance on themLeaf.jpg


Well-Known Member
Look under ur leaves. R there black specs moving. Cuz if so u have spider mites..if not it might be what they are saying above me. But a closer pic of it might help