White Russian??


Well-Known Member
has anyone grown white russian with success? and how was the finished product? is it a yay or nay? dank or yank?


Well-Known Member
Iv'e heard its pretty bad ass. I was going to buy it, but it was out of stock when I ordered so I got white rhino instead.


Well-Known Member
I wont get it now, I ordered my stuff like a month ago. I normally only buy from the doc too. Think I might grab some cheese or something next. Kind of fun to have a collection of seeds.


Well-Known Member
kind of fun to have a big collection of awesome personal weed and when people come over you can be like look at this and whip out a box with all these compartments of bomb ass weed and be all like " I know, I'm that awesome"


Well-Known Member
kind of fun to have a big collection of awesome personal weed and when people come over you can be like look at this and whip out a box with all these compartments of bomb ass weed and be all like " I know, I'm that awesome"


Active Member
Originally Posted by donkeyballs
kind of fun to have a big collection of awesome personal weed and when people come over you can be like look at this and whip out a box with all these compartments of bomb ass weed and be all like " I know, I'm that awesome"

pppfemguy wtf.......

LOL ... Must be high .