White Russian start to finish


Well-Known Member
I can understand that. I like all animals dont get me wrong ill eat them but I do like em. i love to goto the zoo for the day. Brookfield is great I walk around all day hitting the bowl look at some aminal and move on. They even have a trail around a lake that is very private so I usually smoke on that walk too.
I always found zoo's intruiging.. I think.. "wow, how would I like it to be plucked from my home and stuffed into a cage."


Well-Known Member
not much plucking really going on most are born in the zoo and have good care and food.
IDK, I've just always been wierd about cages. I don't like limitations.. or rules for that matter.. I know what I do has an affect on everything (The Ripple Affect).. but for some reason I just don't like cages.. no matter how big or small they are.


Well-Known Member
The thread does get off topic but I dont care its cool. The plants are doing great I just looked in on them ill post some pics in a few.


Well-Known Member
I took some pics but the light is tough with the hps. so I tool one out to get a better shot. You can see some white hairs if you look close just remember its only 1 1/2wk on 12hr so not much really to see. the heave feed looks to not be heavy after all so ill keep it up.



Well-Known Member
Well now I have no idea wats going on.:confused: I saw some yesterday buy wasnt sure. However when I looked today it was very clear. The plants are not all the same. I may not even have White Russian. I dont know what it is but some look like they are White Russian, But I have two that are....wait for it...turning purple!!:shock: I dont have a clue why. I can only assume the seeds were some sort of mix. Im not upset though ive always wanted to smoke some purple nugsbongsmilie so whatever.



Well-Known Member
you dont think it could just be a different phenotype? if the genetics are not IBL enough than the different phenos will be more prominent.

sometimes you get seeds that are runts, some might smell different, some might have a different appearance all together... the only way to insure that you have the exact genetics you want is from cloning..

for example the "original cheese" is a clone only strain because its offspring usually does not have the alleged cheesy smell to it....

but you may know this stuff all ready:?..

ohh ya, your plants look great, thanks for the update on the pics bro:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
you dont think it could just be a different phenotype? if the genetics are not IBL enough than the different phenos will be more prominent.

sometimes you get seeds that are runts, some might smell different, some might have a different appearance all together... the only way to insure that you have the exact genetics you want is from cloning..

for example the "original cheese" is a clone only strain because its offspring usually does not have the alleged cheesy smell to it....

but you may know this stuff all ready:?..

ohh ya, your plants look great, thanks for the update on the pics bro:mrgreen:
I dont know whats going on. I really think its a completely different srtain. Like I said I dont care though. It looks like it will be good smoke. Its strange but last nite I was playing with one of the purple ones and I swear it smells way more like Blueberry then the ones that I was told were Blueberry. Its just like em I havent ever smeller anything like it other than well....Blueberries. All I can figure is the guy I got them from is un organized and got something mixed up. The first batch of Blueberry didnt really smell like Blueberries but the smoke is fruity so I just assumed thats how it got its name what do I know. I guess the lesson here is get the seeds yourself so you know what the fuck you have.