White pistils cloudy/amber trichs?

My 2 plants (big bud and strawberry cough) started flowering February 14th. It's now April 30th. Both plants are showing cloudy and amber trichs but my strawberry is only showing white pistils where as the big bud has orange hairs everywhere....



Well-Known Member
Both look early. The first looks like its 2-3 weeks out and and second looks like it can go another week or two. . . But i cant examine it with a microscope so hard to say. If you have clones of it, id tale a nug oe two off every 4 days. Keep track and compare the difference.

Could just be genetic, trichs can finish faster than pistols so if it looks really cloudy it might be done. Ive had sativa hybrids that look very cloudy for 3 weeks before ready, but im aleays glad i waited. Keep an eye on the trichs and if they are all plush and healthy they are still producing terpens. When a few of the round tops of the trichs have a raisin looking affect they are starting to pass optimum ripeness. I like a a lil cbn though because it enhances the affect of thc and cbd


Well-Known Member
20140109_014639.jpg This is week7. Even under a loop the trichs have a cloudyness to them, but this is when the plant really takes off. It continuea to grow for another 5 weeks producing cloudy resin and stacking buds.

Screenshot_2014-01-16-18-38-59.png close up week 720140121_014348.jpg week 11.5
I'm technically at week 10... granted i only used a 150w hps light and some cfl's so maybe thats why mine aren't as frosty. I looked through a microscope and my trichs are cloudy/amber a few if any clear... Im just asking if i can harvest with slightly brown whitish pistils...


Well-Known Member
That last question is a typical example of why you shouldn't be looking at just trichs, and why some of the more experience growers don't use it to determine harvest time - as recently came up in yet another discussion about this. Especially with the strawberry, at that point there's really no point in looking at trichs other than admiring their beauty.

Read my post here: https://www.rollitup.org/t/anyone-a-fan-of-defoliation-to-increase-yeild.809775/page-9#post-10421041

Forget about those 65 days. The strawberry still has weeks to go, roughly 2-3 weeks. The other one could have used another week but considering the condition it's in it may be wise to harvest that one soon (before it starts rotting).
Interesting. I read the cannabis bible and Jorge Cervantes book and both say research has shown trichomes are the best indicator of ripeness and not pistils... I only ask if I should harvest now cause the book never said if the pistils could be still white when the the trichs are cloudy and amber which mine are.... Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else.