White people, particularly men:


Well-Known Member
Me a and a few white friends wanted to pick fruit for the summer so we traveled to Wenachee wa. Not one place would hire a one of us. Yet i hear on news that u.s. citizens dont want to work these jobs. . To funny. Guess we just didnt have the experience. lol. Growing up in Pacoima i was a minority and got in many fights for being white in school. . lol. Lowriders would pull up and beat hwites on the way home from middleschool with baseball bats. They broke my buddies arm in front his house one time. Chicanos were always pulling knifes on me ta school to get cigs.So i started carry chucks sewn into my levi jacket. When my mom found out we left Pacoima., lol. They have this day where i grew up called Paddy Day .lol. Alot of white kids didnt go to school that day like me . Once me and a Sepulveda white boy school white friend went to the school to pick up my report card and he wouldnt go in . Said he was way to white. Sepulveeda was a narc ass surfer school for sure! One time smoking cigars walking in their halls while ditching my school a dumb ass white boy calls out in class , Thier smoking " . That would never go down in my school. We smoked cigs and huffed chlorophorm in class in 7th grade. . lol. ive seen 30 cholas put a white guy in the hospitol just for going to get an ice cream from the cafateria. San Fernando highschool constantly had race riots ! My friends parents taught there and thye would come home bruised and cut car dented from the fights. Welcome to 'AMERIKA" .Now cops i met are equel oprotunity. I cant tell you how many times ive been frisked walking down the street in l.a.. i was beat at 14 years old while hands on car in prone position by sheriffs and cops 5 of them for joyriding in my moms mercedes.Redding ca. style. Cops and others didnt like long hairs form l.a. movin there . A few white people i grew up are saverly rascist ! A couple of them have these bats with nails they call nigger beaters. Fucking sad man . Fucking sad ! l.a. is the most racist place i ever lived. Thanks disney and gov. lol. My brother has a half black grandkid and he calls blacks nigger. I asked him last time we talked if he called his grandson Nigger and he broke down crying. oh ya , once me and my wife were seprated trying to get back together and my best friend and brother would not let us stay in the same house because she dated a black while we were seprated . fuckign racist ! Almost all the white people i knew at the time said they couldnt have a wife or girlfriend back if she was with a black. Yet they say nothing to me when i fuck a black girl during the same time while seperated.fucking useless fucks ! My bets isnt my best friend any longer , believe that !
oh it feels really good when your own uncle wont consider your grandkids part of his family because they are Cambodian . WTF! Way to make a white guy feel great. lol.Not to mention my Daughter ! Love pours over............When will these people understand how they are being played against each other, and what they do to others they do unto themselves......cant even enjoy a holiday like christmas around family. My inlaws told us we lived in a dark area out in the woods" ACTUALLY OFF 'WHITE mAN RD. LOL. and her grandma calls these black nuts "nigger toes". Then her sister uyuses the word. man o man . I seen one black in 2 fucking years where i live.lol. anyway i go off to my inlaws how thier daugher was racist at christmas and come to find out later my inlaws are white christian racist fox news watchers that think muslim are taking the u.s. Man , wtf is going on at this day and age ?
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Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
I find it hard that i am to poor to live near ppl with money, so i live in a poor city and deal with police pulling me over because i must be a crackhead or a heroine junkie, so they tear up my car, run dogs, and toss my shit in the street. My city is about 65% black, 15% hispanic, and 20% white. MUTHA FUCKER I`M POOR. that should be the hashtag of ppl. #POORLIVESMATTER


Well-Known Member
I find it hard that i am to poor to live near ppl with money, so i live in a poor city and deal with police pulling me over because i must be a crackhead or a heroine junkie, so they tear up my car, run dogs, and toss my shit in the street. My city is about 65% black, 15% hispanic, and 20% white. MUTHA FUCKER I`M POOR. that should be the hashtag of ppl. #POORLIVESMATTER
Class warfare is real.


Well-Known Member
Me a and a few white friends wanted to pick fruit for the summer so we traveled to Wenachee wa. Not one place would hire a one of us. Yet i hear on news that u.s. citizens dont want to work these jobs. . To funny. Guess we just didnt have the experience. lol. Growing up in Pacoima i was a minority and got in many fights for being white in school. . lol. Lowriders would pull up and beat hwites on the way home from middleschool with baseball bats. They broke my buddies arm in front his house one time. Chicanos were always pulling knifes on me ta school to get cigs.So i started carry chucks sewn into my levi jacket. When my mom found out we left Pacoima., lol. They have this day where i grew up called Paddy Day .lol. Alot of white kids didnt go to school that day like me . Once me and a Sepulveda white boy school white friend went to the school to pick up my report card and he wouldnt go in . Said he was way to white. Sepulveeda was a narc ass surfer school for sure! One time smoking cigars walking in their halls while ditching my school a dumb ass white boy calls out in class , Thier smoking " . That would never go down in my school. We smoked cigs and huffed chlorophorm in class in 7th grade. . lol. ive seen 30 cholas put a white guy in the hospitol just for going to get an ice cream from the cafateria. San Fernando highschool constantly had race riots ! My friends parents taught there and thye would come home bruised and cut car dented from the fights. Welcome to 'AMERIKA" .Now cops i met are equel oprotunity. I cant tell you how many times ive been frisked walking down the street in l.a.. i was beat at 14 years old while hands on car in prone position by sheriffs and cops 5 of them for joyriding in my moms mercedes.Redding ca. style. Cops and others didnt like long hairs form l.a. movin there . A few white people i grew up are saverly rascist ! A couple of them have these bats with nails they call nigger beaters. Fucking sad man . Fucking sad ! l.a. is the most racist place i ever lived. Thanks disney and gov. lol. My brother has a half black grandkid and he calls blacks nigger. I asked him last time we talked if he called his grandson Nigger and he broke down crying. oh ya , once me and my wife were seprated trying to get back together and my best friend and brother would not let us stay in the same house because she dated a black while we were seprated . fuckign racist ! Almost all the white people i knew at the time said they couldnt have a wife or girlfriend back if she was with a black. Yet they say nothing to me when i fuck a black girl during the same time while seperated.fucking useless fucks ! My bets isnt my best friend any longer , believe that !
oh it feels really good when your own uncle wont consider your grandkids part of his family because they are Cambodian . WTF! Way to make a white guy feel great. lol. Love pours over............When will these people understand how they are being played against each other, and what they do to others they do unto themselves......
Tell it, brother.

Our country is being torn apart and you grew up in the shreds leftover from a more egalitarian time.

Time to tell our brothers and sisters that skin color isn't the problem; it's money and power that are the problem.


Well-Known Member
Class warfare is real.
Goddamned right it is- but it's only being fought from the side of privilege. These things always end badly, and they do so just about the same time as the oppressed feel like they have nothing left to lose.

It's getting close to that now. The Rich better figure out how to pay up and play nice, or the other 99.9% of us won't save them from the mobs that will surely come.


Well-Known Member
Tell it, brother.

Our country is being torn apart and you grew up in the shreds leftover from a more egalitarian time.

Time to tell our brothers and sisters that skin color isn't the problem; it's money and power that are the problem.
Straight up fire there brother !
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Well-Known Member
Man i dont know what was worse for me growing up , going from surfer to lowrider fights in l.a. to doper against goat roper fights in Redding lol. God damn goatropers , i was a doper who actually milked goats off Van Nuys blvd. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I find it hard that i am to poor to live near ppl with money, so i live in a poor city and deal with police pulling me over because i must be a crackhead or a heroine junkie, so they tear up my car, run dogs, and toss my shit in the street. My city is about 65% black, 15% hispanic, and 20% white. MUTHA FUCKER I`M POOR. that should be the hashtag of ppl. #POORLIVESMATTER
I'm not convinced that you're not a crackhead or junkie though. Jsayin...

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The "black culture", an identity that is intentionally belligerent and self indulgent, is counterproductive and frankly disgusting.

Any black person that defends this mentality is living as a child, rebelling against common sense and integration.

We are humans. Black or white, we are all living in the same skin, just those that CHOOSE to differentiate themselves from successful society WILL oppress themselves.

So, regardless of color, pull up the pants, grab a belt, stop speaking slang, and get with the program.
What you are talking about is thug culture.

Black culture does not equal thug culture.


Well-Known Member
I know you're from a quazi-socialist country so you're probably not aware that we Muricans prefer not to have a dictator.
Shhhh, I know how it works... mere bully pulpit and all, but the dude I quoted before walked himself right into that corner.

It was nice seeing you people FINALLY admit Obama is a lame duck tho.


Well-Known Member
Shhhh, I know how it works... mere bully pulpit and all, but the dude I quoted before walked himself right into that corner.

It was nice seeing you people FINALLY admit Obama is a lame duck tho.
You might not have noticed, but there's been a wave of cannabis liberalization as a result of Obama ordering the DOJ not to enforce federal cannabis prohibition over states that have decided to toke up.

You do know this is a pot growing forum right?


Well-Known Member
You might not have noticed, but there's been a wave of cannabis liberalization as a result of Obama ordering the DOJ not to enforce federal cannabis prohibition over states that have decided to toke up.

You do know this is a pot growing forum right?
So why didn't Holder and why doesn't Loretta deschedule cannabis?