White Mother killed by black male in hate crime


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Nothing. I thought that we were comparing notes.
The KKK does still exist. I know a county that refuses to have business because business equals growth and growth equals black people moving in, I don't doubt that some cops that shoot people are KKK but lynching ? We know for sure that the lady was a hate crime


Well-Known Member
The KKK does still exist. I know a county that refuses to have business because business equals growth and growth equals black people moving in, I don't doubt that some cops that shoot people are KKK but lynching ? We know for sure that the lady was a hate crime
I don't really get into the whole "hate crime" deal because the government gets to decide what is or isn't a "hate" crime. Which, of course, is patently unfair because the penalties are different. For example, crimes against those in the LGBT community are almost never prosecuted as hate crimes when we all know better than that. I don't mean to make light of anyone losing their life at the hands of anyone else. I just took issue with the way that you worded your original post saying that those two men getting killed were highlighted in the news for political reasons, as if those cats getting murdered by police is somehow not newsworthy.


Active Member
I don't really get into the whole "hate crime" deal because the government gets to decide what is or isn't a "hate" crime. Which, of course, is patently unfair because the penalties are different. For example, crimes against those in the LGBT community are almost never prosecuted as hate crimes when we all know better than that. I don't mean to make light of anyone losing their life at the hands of anyone else. I just took issue with the way that you worded your original post saying that those two men getting killed were highlighted in the news for political reasons, as if those cats getting murdered by police is somehow not newsworthy.
I used the term hate crime as a political troll. I think South Park sums up hate crimes better than anyone. What I want to point out is the media (rightfully) making most black men killed a household name while victims of other races get little publicity. it's to divide people and make them easier to control. Black people have been getting killed left and right for as long as we've been alive and it's a big deal in pop culture now because the powers want it to be.