White mold looking powder on leaves


This is what I found from the Guru:
Suffering from powdery mildew? That’s that white, powdery growth on top of the leaves—it almost looks like flour—it can kill your plants. Here is the simplest way of getting rid of it:

- Go to your local garden shop, or nursery, and buy a bottle of potassium bicarbonate

- Mix an ounce of potassium bicarbonate in a gallon of water and 1.5 cups (12 oz, 340 grams) of milk—I prefer non fat, because it is less oily—but whole milk works as well.

- Spray on your plants or dip them in it. It kills the living fungus and the potassium bicarbonate creates an alkaline environment that hinders germination of spores.

Hope it helps. I've got the same situation, but not as bad yet. If anybody knows how to kill this shit, it's Ed. Good luck!
I need a little advice I'm almost positive my plants have white powdery mold, I've been lookin at previous post and saw the sulfur candle. Does it really work plants are going into fourth week of flowering, would the sulfur candle effect the buds? If so what else would you recommend I know there is organic sprays I could use but I was tryin to stay away from those. Oh and the mold isn't bad it all its mostly on 1 plant and that one plant isn't even that bad all the mold is on the bottom leaves. Any advice? Thanks